Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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93Chapter 4 - Critical Links: Proposals for ImplementationThe Agency shall publish the Drug List on its website.A drug becomes authorized to a health profession on the effective date ofits being designated in the Drug List for that health profession, <strong>and</strong> ceasesto be authorized to a health profession on the effective date of thatdesignation being removed.The Agency may designate a drug in the Drug List where the Agencyconsiders it to be in the public interest to do so, but shall not do so if itscriteria for approval have not been met.Any modification of a designation takes place on the effective date of itsbeing designated in the Drug List as a modification.A drug or substance that was authorized to a health profession byregulation made under its health profession Act immediately before •, 2009is deemed to be designated on the Drug List until it is removed from theDrug List under this section. The terms, limitations <strong>and</strong> conditionscontained in the regulation made under the health profession Act continueto apply until modified under this section.In deciding whether or not to designate a drug on the Drug List, to removea drug from the Drug List, or to impose, amend or remove any terms,limitations or conditions associated with a drug, the Agency may consideranything it considers advisable in the public interest, including, withoutlimiting the generality of the foregoing, the education, training, competenceor st<strong>and</strong>ards of practice of the health profession, the needs of the public,or matters concerning patient safety.The Agency shall obtain expert advice from the Formulary Committee <strong>and</strong>may consult with other persons or organizations on matters of concernarising out of the maintenance of the Drug List.The Agency must accept the recommendations of the Formulary Committeeunless doing so is not advisable in the public interest.A person or organization may request, in writing, that the Agency amendthe Drug List but the Agency is not obligated to act on the request.At least 60 days before the Agency makes an amendment to the Drug List,the Agency shall submit a copy of the proposed amendment to the Minister,to the members of the Formulary Committee <strong>and</strong> to the affected Council forreview.The Agency shall be entitled to circulate a copy of the proposedamendment to other College Councils, health professionals <strong>and</strong> expertadvisors.If there is no written objection to a proposed amendment to the Drug Listby the Minister within 60 days after it is submitted by the Agency, theAgency shall amend the Drug List in accordance with the proposedamendment.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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