Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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74Chapter 3 - A New Drug Approvals Framework For OntarioIf a proposal for a new class of drugs is approved by CHPRE <strong>and</strong> forwardedto the Minister for inclusion as a regulation, the DTFC would examine thespecific agents that should be included in the class designated in theregulation. The DTFC could also recommend terms, limitations orconditions to be attached to selected drugs or agents, for approval byCHPRE. On approval of the regulation, the profession would be authorizedto use the new drugs included in the Drug List <strong>and</strong> falling within theapproved therapeutic class without lengthy delays.Recommendations to the Minister for changes or additions to a drugregulation under a health professional Act should be accompanied by arequest for expedited approval in order to avoid the serious delays thathave impacted health professions in the past.CHPRE would keep issues of patient safety, evidence-based decision-making,efficiency <strong>and</strong> interprofessional collaboration at the forefront of its decisionmakingprocess. To support an open <strong>and</strong> transparent process, CHPREwould make all requests <strong>and</strong> its process public.Maintaining the Drug ListHPRAC expects that CHPRE would be responsible for retaining, maintaining<strong>and</strong> publishing the Drug List. The Drug List would have the status of law,<strong>and</strong> be based on recommendations received from CHPRE by the DTFC.CHPRE could designate a drug or substance on the Drug List where CHPREconsiders it to be in the public interest to do so, but would not approve adrug if it is of the opinion that the new addition to the Drug List is not inthe public interest.The Drug List would include the approved terms, limitations <strong>and</strong> conditionsattached to each drug or specific agent for each health profession. Terms,limitations <strong>and</strong> conditions could include:• Considerations relating to the use or the possibility of the use ofother drugs or substances or therapies for particular patientsor a particular class of patients;• Requirements that the use of a drug or substance for particularpatients or a particular patient class requires a prescription fromanother health profession or member of a class of another healthprofession specified by CHPRE, or• Requirements that a specified drug or substance only beused on particular patients or a particular class of patients.Annually, CHPRE would make a report in writing to the Minister concerningits reviews <strong>and</strong> approvals for that year <strong>and</strong> the Minister would publish thereport within 30 days of receiving it.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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