Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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236Chapter 10 – Profession of Midwiferycarbotosin <strong>and</strong> oxygen. Midwives do not carry nitroglycerine for homebirths, since the need is extremely rare. However, a midwife couldadminister nitroglyerine in a hospital where a st<strong>and</strong>ing order has beenissued. 27Request 2The CMO <strong>and</strong> AMO are requesting that the regulatory approvals mechanismfor clinical regulations be revised. 28Proponents’ RationaleThe proponents said that currently, approval of <strong>and</strong> modifications toregulations occur within the Ministry. Revising the regulatory mechanismfor regulations related to clinical practice will enable the CMO, <strong>and</strong> byextension midwives, to respond to ongoing changes in the st<strong>and</strong>ard ofpractice in maternity care in a timely way. 29Request 3The CMO <strong>and</strong> AMO are requesting the authority to prescribe <strong>and</strong>/oradminister any substance on the order of a physician. 30Proponents’ RationaleIn comparison to other health professions that administer drugs, themidwifery profession is the only one that has a specific list of drugs itsmembers can administer under the order of a physician. For registerednurses, the Nursing Act, 1991 states that a member shall not perform acontrolled act unless the procedure is ordered by a person who isauthorized to do the procedure such as chiropodists, dentists, physicians<strong>and</strong> midwives. 31 Respiratory therapists have a similar provision in itsprofession specific regulation 32 as do medical radiation technologists. 33What HPRAC FoundEpidemiological TrendsChanges in the population of childbearing women are having an impact onthe type of care that women require. The submission notes that the increasein the average maternal age, as well as increases in rates of obesity <strong>and</strong> theassociated risk of increased blood pressure, genetic abnormalities, <strong>and</strong>overall greater morbidity have resulted in the need for more tests <strong>and</strong> fordifferent treatment protocols.27HPRAC meeting with AOM, December 11 200828Ibid: 7.29Ibid: 10.30Ibid: 7.31Nursing Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 32, s.5. (1).32Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c.39, s.5. (1).33Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c.29, s.5. (1).HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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