Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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177Chapter 7 – <strong>Professions</strong> of Chiropody <strong>and</strong> PodiatryOral AntifungalsThe proponents state that topical antifungals may not penetrate far enoughinto deep toenail infections to eradicate the infection <strong>and</strong> that oralantifungals are necessary to effectively treat this type of infection. Theprescribing of oral antifungals reflects best practices of the profession,provides better outcomes for patients <strong>and</strong> can avoid a referral to aphysician for a needed prescription.HPRAC agrees that chiropodists <strong>and</strong> podiatrists should have access to oralantifungals to treat infections of the foot. This will enable practitioners totreat infections more effectively, will benefit the patient, <strong>and</strong> possibly limitcomplications <strong>and</strong> unnecessary visits to physicians.Cytoprotective Agents <strong>and</strong> Corticosteroids to Treat GoutProponents are also seeking cytoprotective agents <strong>and</strong> corticosteroids totreat gout.Cytoprotective agents can carry serious toxicities. HPRAC is also concernedthat gout that does not respond to diet, NSAIDs <strong>and</strong>/or corticosteroidsshould be referred to a rheumatologist. Further discussion of this issue isrequired, <strong>and</strong> may be revisited as part of the upcoming scope of practicereview.ViscosupplementationChiropodists are seeking viscosupplementation to treat the smaller joints ofthe foot.HPRAC feels that further consideration is required regarding the use ofviscosupplementation agents. HPRAC learned during its pharmacologicalreview that viscosupplementation is a new type of treatment that is usuallyused in larger joints such as the knee or shoulder. More information isneeded on the effectiveness of this treatment <strong>and</strong> further study is requiredto determine if this practice is within the scope of practice of theprofession. This issue will therefore be revisited as part of the upcomingscope of practice review.5. Authority to Order Laboratory TestsThe CCO is asking that chiropodists <strong>and</strong> podiatrists be granted theauthority to order laboratory tests that are consistent with st<strong>and</strong>ards ofpractice <strong>and</strong> authorized acts. HPRAC will be considering this request aspart of the scope of practice review.ConclusionsHPRAC recognizes the importance of foot care in Ontario, <strong>and</strong> theimportant role that chiropodists <strong>and</strong> podiatrists play in foot care. Providingchiropodists <strong>and</strong> podiatrists with the authority to administer substances byinhalation, with appropriate competencies, education <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards ofHPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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