Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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242Chapter 10 – Profession of MidwiferyAnti-nauseantsDiclectin is a combination product containing doxylamine succinate (a firstgeneration,sedating anthihistamine) <strong>and</strong> pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitaminB6). This product is the only antinauseant specifically indicated for nausea<strong>and</strong> vomiting in pregnancy <strong>and</strong> has an excellent safety record for both themother <strong>and</strong> the developing fetus. HPRAC has classified this combinationproduct as an “antihistamine”, however HPRAC expects this product to beprescribed to treat the nausea <strong>and</strong> vomiting associated with pregnancy.Cervical Ripening AgentsCervical ripening agents include the prostagl<strong>and</strong>in E1 analog, misoprostol,low-dose oxytocin, mifepristone, relaxin <strong>and</strong> other physical mechanisms toripen the cervix. In its scope of practice review of midwifery, HPRACconcluded that the role of midwives involves providing care for normalbirths <strong>and</strong> deliveries. In that report, HPRAC stated that deliveries requiringcervical ripening agents fall outside the definition of a normal, uncomplicatedbirth <strong>and</strong> delivery <strong>and</strong> are therefore outside the scope of practice ofmidwifery. HPRAC also notes a significant risk of harm may be posed tothe fetus <strong>and</strong> the mother by these agents.Measles, Mumps <strong>and</strong> Rubella (MMR)MMR vaccines contain live, attenuated measles, mumps, <strong>and</strong> rubella <strong>and</strong>the vaccine is administered by subcutaneous injection in Ontario after achild turns one, usually at twelve <strong>and</strong> at eighteen months. In the scope ofpractice review of midwifery, HPRAC recommended that the midwiferyscope of practice not be extended to include well baby care, <strong>and</strong> does notrecommend that MMR vaccines be included in the drug regulation underthe Midwifery Act, 1991.HPRAC’s ConclusionsHPRAC recognizes that there is a growing crisis in maternity care inOntario, <strong>and</strong> sees midwives as playing an important role in providingprimary maternity care for low-risk women <strong>and</strong> their newborns. Midwivesrequire the ability to prescribe a number of medications to carry out theirprimary maternity care role <strong>and</strong> to enable them to participate fully ininterprofessional teams.RecommendationsRecommendation 1: That the Midwifery Act, 1991 be amended to includethe authority to prescribe a specified list of therapeutic drug classes.Dispensing <strong>and</strong> selling of drugs are not included in this authority.That the existing list of drugs in the regulation under the Midwifery Act,1991 be replaced with a regulation that includes therapeutic classes ofdrugs.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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