Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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455Chapter 18 – Summary of Proposals for Implementationb) a list of those members, who are authorized to perform aprocedure under the authority of paragraph 2 of section 4.7. That Ontario Regulation 388/08 under the Physiotherapy Act, 1991(Professional Misconduct) be amended by adding the followingsections:1.1 Exceeding the scope of practice of the profession.9.1 Administering oxygen, a drug or substance for an improperpurpose, or otherwise using improperly the authority to administeroxygen, drugs <strong>and</strong> substances.42.1 Failing to advise the patient to consult with a physician or otherregulated health professional where the member recognizes, orought to recognize, a condition that is beyond the competence orexperience of the member or that requires such consultation toensure the proper care of the patient.42.2 Treating or attempting to treat a condition that the memberknew or ought to have known was beyond his or her expertise orcompetence.43. Recommending or providing unnecessary services.8. That Ontario Regulation 107/96 under the Regulated <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Professions</strong>Act, 1991 be amended by deleting the word “or” after paragraph7.1(2)(b), by inserting the word “or” after paragraph 7.1(2)(c) <strong>and</strong> byadding a new paragraph (d) as follows:A member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario, withrespect to ordering the application of sound waves for diagnosticultrasound.9. That subsection 6(1) the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act beamended by adding the following paragraph (g), so that it reads:6(1) No person shall operate an X-ray machine for the irradiation ofa human being unless the irradiation has been prescribed by, … (g)a member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.10. That paragraph 9(1)(a) of Ontario Regulation 682 under the Laboratory<strong>and</strong> Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act be amended by addingthe following:(iv.2) at the request of a physiotherapist, in respect of a test specifiedin Appendix E, …11. That Ontario Regulation 682 under the Laboratory <strong>and</strong> SpecimenCollection Centre Licensing Act be amended by adding Appendix E.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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