Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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155Chapter 6 – Scope of Practice of Medical Radiation Technologyperformance of these procedures, as well as for appropriate assessment.Competence in the performance of these procedures can be demonstratedat the facility level.HPRAC is convinced that for the purpose of confirming the role of MRTs insome settings, as well as recognizing the evolution of MRT practice,authorization to perform this act is in the public interest <strong>and</strong> wouldoptimize the skills of MRTs <strong>and</strong> other health professionals.5. That MRTs be authorized to put an instrument, h<strong>and</strong> or finger beyondthe anal verge.That MRTs be authorized to put an instrument, h<strong>and</strong> or finger into anartificial opening into the body for the purpose of administeringcontrast media.That the regulations under the Medical Radiation Technology Act,1991 require the College to develop the st<strong>and</strong>ards, limitations <strong>and</strong>conditions for the performance of this controlled act through aprocess of interprofessional collaboration with other Colleges,individuals <strong>and</strong> entities.Applying electromagnetism for magnetic resonance imagingThe College <strong>and</strong> Association are requesting that application ofelectromagnetism be a controlled act authorized to MRTs. Paragraph 7 ofsubsection 27(2) of the RHPA establishes the controlled act of applying orordering the application of a form of energy prescribed by the regulationsunder the Act. Electromagnetism is a form of energy prescribed by aregulation under the RHPA for the purpose of this paragraph.Ontario Regulation 226/03 under the Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991prescribes electromagnetism as a form of energy for the purposes of thescope of practice statement. However, in 2003, when magnetic resonancetechnologists were added as a specialty within the College, the controlledacts authorized to MRTs in the Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991 werenot amended to include the application of energy in the form ofelectromagnetism. Rather, through an amendment to a regulation under theRHPA, MRTs were exempted from the restriction on the controlled act ofapplying a prescribed form of energy, for the purpose of applyingelectromagnetism for magnetic resonance imaging. 65 As a result, the currentlegislation lacks transparency on the authority of MRTs to applyelectromagnetism for magnetic resonance imaging.The application of electromagnetism is integral to the practice of MRTs whospecialize in magnetic resonance imaging. Authorizing the application ofelectromagnetism, rather than simply exempting MRTs from the restrictionson the performance of this controlled act, would bring the legislation in linewith the regulated status of MRTs in magnetic resonance. It would also bemore transparent to the public <strong>and</strong> other health professionals.65Ontario Regulation 107/96 s. 3.1 under the Regulated <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Professions</strong> Act, 1991.HPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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