Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

Transforming and Supporting Patient Care - Health Professions ...

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238Chapter 10 – Profession of Midwiferyof these recommendations will address the request for regulation by classrather than individual drug.Specific Classes of DrugsReadiness for ChangeHPRAC’s review of the drug education of midwives in Ontario concludedthat the program is comprehensive. It includes pathophysiology/diagnosis,drug history (including limitations), pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics,toxicology <strong>and</strong> patient communication <strong>and</strong> monitoring.Midwives currently have prescribing rights, <strong>and</strong> in HPRAC’s view, midwivesare educated <strong>and</strong> trained on an on-going basis to prescribe the mostcurrent drugs to treat conditions within their scope of practice. HPRACfound that there is a high level of consistency in midwifery programs acrossthe country, <strong>and</strong> precedent for prescribing drugs within the midwiferyscope of practice.Members of the CMO support moving to classes from individual drugs inregulation, <strong>and</strong> they support the addition of the specific classes that theCMO is requesting. The CMO held formal consultations with its membersregarding the proposed changes to the scope of practice. Of those whoresponded (64 percent of members), 98 percent supported the addition ofantibiotics for the treatment of GBS, mastitis, UTIs <strong>and</strong> bacterial vaginosis.Ninety percent supported the inclusion of antibiotics for the treatment ofsome STIs.Managing the Risk of HarmMembers are expected to maintain clinical competency as part of theirroutine professional development. As well, members are required toparticipate in continuing education as part of the CMO’s quality assuranceprogram. These requirements include continued competency inpharmacology. The CMO will determine any additional training <strong>and</strong>upgrading that is needed to ensure midwives are trained to prescribe <strong>and</strong>administer new classes of drugs that are approved.<strong>Supporting</strong> CollaborationThe proponents have noted that giving midwives the authority to prescribecertain drugs, antibiotics in particular, will enable them to participate morefully in interprofessional teams. HPRAC heard that this will also relieve thestrain on physician-midwife relationships by eliminating unnecessaryconsultations <strong>and</strong> referrals.Individual Classes of DrugsAntibioticsIn its scope of practice review, HPRAC heard that, within the current scopeof practice, Ontario midwives do not have the authority to orderHPRAC Critical Links January 2009

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