Reproduction in Domestic Animals

Reproduction in Domestic Animals

Reproduction in Domestic Animals

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120 NC Friggens, M Bjerr<strong>in</strong>g, C Ridder, S Højsgaard and T Larsenby a classical ELISA method. It may be expected thatsuch a method is more precise than the types ofmeasurement result<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>in</strong> situ biosensors. Conversely,milk samples used <strong>in</strong> the present study werecollected from cows milked robotically, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>variable <strong>in</strong>ter milk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tervals, and thus variable milkfat content (Friggens and Rasmussen 2001). This<strong>in</strong>troduces a greater variability <strong>in</strong> the milk progesteronemeasurements (Waldmann et al. 1999) than wouldbe expected from milk samples collected more conventionally.On balance, the results presented <strong>in</strong> thisstudy probably reflect what can be expected undercommercial conditions, but this rema<strong>in</strong>s to be quantified.ConclusionsThe type of model needed to condense and <strong>in</strong>terpretprogesterone profile data <strong>in</strong> real-time on-farm has beentested and found to perform substantially better <strong>in</strong> termsof sensitivity of oestrus detection than other exist<strong>in</strong>gdetection systems. The model also was shown to providevaluable <strong>in</strong>formation about other aspects of reproductivestatus such as pregnancy determ<strong>in</strong>ation and commencementof luteal activity.AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge the valuable contribution of the farm staffat KFC, Jens Clausen, Carsten Berthelsen, Peter Løvendahl, JesNielsen, and Connie Middelhede for their efforts <strong>in</strong> secur<strong>in</strong>g thismassive number of samples. This study, which was part of the Biosensproject, was funded by the Danish M<strong>in</strong>istry of Food, Agriculture andFisheries and the Danish Cattle Association.AppendixDays to next sampl<strong>in</strong>g functions for the luteal phase and dur<strong>in</strong>gpregnancyThe orig<strong>in</strong>al days to next sampl<strong>in</strong>g (DNS) function <strong>in</strong> the lutealphase (Friggens and Chagunda 2005) decreased sampl<strong>in</strong>g frequencyas duration of oestrus cycle (cyclen) <strong>in</strong>creased towards 21 but thenstayed low <strong>in</strong> prolonged luteal phases. The function was changed <strong>in</strong>two ways. The default luteal DNS function (DNS1LdefR) waschanged from a decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sigmoid to a decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sigmoid plus asubsequent climb<strong>in</strong>g sigmoid (i.e. it rises aga<strong>in</strong> after expectedcyclen). The slope modifier was adjusted to use the absolutedifference between the maximum progesterone concentration s<strong>in</strong>celast oestrus (CycMax) and current progesterone concentration ratherthan the slope:DayFromNextOest = abs((Date - DayOest) - Cyclen)MaxStep ¼ Cyclen DNSLPropDNS1Ldef ¼ MaxStep expð expðDNSLRatðDayFromNextOest DNSLlagÞÞÞSlopeMod ¼ expðexpðSModRat*((CycMax - Level)(CycMax/SModT))))DNS ¼ DNS1Ldef SlopeModwhere date is the current day, DayOest is the day of the preced<strong>in</strong>goestrus, and level is the smoothed progesterone concentration (ng ⁄ ml).DNSLProp, DNSLRat, DNSLlag, SModRat, and SModT are constantswith the follow<strong>in</strong>g values: 0.25, )0.4, 5, 0.75 and 4, respectively.The DNS function dur<strong>in</strong>g pregnancy was modified <strong>in</strong> a similar way toconcentrate sampl<strong>in</strong>g frequency around the time approximately22 days post-<strong>in</strong>sem<strong>in</strong>ation and reduce it thereafter:PregStepT = Cyclen + PregStepLagMaxStepPreg ¼ðTopPregStep BotPregStepÞ expð expðPregStepRat ððRunTime AITimeÞPregStepTÞÞÞ þ BotPregStepDNS2def ¼ MaxStepPreg expð expðDNSLRatðDayFromNextOest DNSLlagÞÞÞTimeFromAIFun ¼ expðexpðTfAIRat*((RunTimeAITime) - TfAIT)))offsetLevTime ¼ expð expðPLevRat ðLevel ðPLevTþ DNS2LevToffsetÞTimeFromAIFunRÞÞÞDNS2LevTime ¼ð1 ð1 TimeFromAIFunÞÞ offsetLevTime þð1 TimeFromAIFunÞDNSR ¼ DNS2def DNS2LevTimewhere RunTime is the current time and AITime is the time of<strong>in</strong>sem<strong>in</strong>ation. PregStepLag, TopPregStep, BotPregStep, PregStepRat,TfAIRat, TfAIT, PLevRat, PLevT and DNS2LevToffset are constantswith the follow<strong>in</strong>g values: 6, 10, 5, )0.4, )0.3, 12, )0.5, 12 and 6,respectively.ReferencesBulman DC, Lamm<strong>in</strong>g GE, 1978: Milk progesterone levels<strong>in</strong> relation to conception, repeat breed<strong>in</strong>g and factors<strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g acyclicity <strong>in</strong> dairy cows. J Reprod Fertil 54,447–458.Cavalieri J, Eagles VE, Ryan M, Macmillan KL, 2003:Comparison of four methods for detection of oestrus <strong>in</strong>dairy cows with resynchronised oestrous cycles. Aust Vet J81, 422–425.de Mol RM, Keen A, Kroeze GH, Achten JMFH, 1999:Description of a detection model for oestrus and diseases <strong>in</strong>dairy cattle based on time series analysis comb<strong>in</strong>ed with aKalman filter. 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Livest Prod Sci82, 97–103.Friggens NC, Chagunda MGG, 2005: Prediction of thereproductive status of cattle on the basis of milk progesteronemeasures: model description. Theriogenology 64,155–190.Ó 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation Ó 2008 Blackwell Verlag

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