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Ij^ PAXRAKG.<br />

3.<br />

PANRANG.<br />

(Coast <strong>of</strong> Cochinclima).<br />

Pin-t'ung-lung (^ Bg f|)<br />

5 The ruler <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>of</strong> Pin-t'ung-lung^ wears the same kind <strong>of</strong><br />

head-dress and clothing as that <strong>of</strong> Chan-ch'ong. The people cover their<br />

dwellings with palm-leaves, and protect them with wooden palisades. They<br />

send yearly products <strong>of</strong> the country as tribute to Chan-ch'ong.<br />

At the present day there is (counted) among the saints (lo-han) the<br />

10 Venerable Pin-t'ou-lu (^ || fg), from whom this country derives its name,<br />

corrupted into Pin-t'ung-lung.<br />

There are some also who say that the foundations <strong>of</strong> the hut (^ ^)<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mu-li^n ( g jH) are still extant (in this country) ^<br />

In the fourth year <strong>of</strong> the period yung-U (987) (this people), in company<br />

15 with Ta-shi (Arabs), brought tribute to the court <strong>of</strong> China ^<br />

Notes.<br />

1) The identification <strong>of</strong> this territory with the Panrang coast <strong>of</strong> Cochinchina, the Sanskrit<br />

Pan^uranga, first pointed out by Hirth, Aus der Ethnographie des Tschau <strong>Ju</strong>-kna, has been<br />

accepted by all subsequent writers. See H. Finot, B. E. F. E. 0., Ill, 630—648. The name<br />

20 appears in the earliest Cham inscriptions under the form Panrang and Panran. All the Chinese<br />

forms <strong>of</strong> the name—and we know <strong>of</strong> nine, point to an original form Pandaran, and this conclu-<br />

sion is supported by local chronicles. The earliest mention <strong>of</strong> Pandaran in Chinese works is in<br />

T'ang-shu, 222*, where it is given as Pon-t'o-lang (^^ [J^ 5H.)' '^^^ transcription <strong>of</strong> the name<br />

was apparently never settled, for Ch'ou K'u-fei uses two forms and Sung-shi three in the three<br />

25 brief references it makes to this country. Pelliot, B. E. F. E. 0., Ill, 649—654, has translated<br />

and studied with his usual thoroughness all the Chinese references to Pandaran.<br />

Our author takes most <strong>of</strong> his information from Ling-wai-tai-ta, 2,io, which reads as follows:<br />

«Pin-t'ung-lung (or) Pin-t'o-ling {^S R^ is 1^) a dependency <strong>of</strong> Chan-ch'Ong. The foundations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hut <strong>of</strong> Mu-lien are in Pin-t'o-ling. It is even said by some (^ ^) that Wang-<br />

30 sho-ch'ong is (^ -^ ^) in this country.<br />

«In the second year A;i'e«-Z«n£f (<strong>of</strong>-the Sung, 961 A. D.) it brought objects <strong>of</strong> tribute (to the<br />

Court <strong>of</strong> China). Again in the 8Ui moon <strong>of</strong> the third year (962) it came with tribute. In the first<br />

year yuan-yu <strong>of</strong> Cho-tsung (<strong>of</strong> the Sung, 1086) in the 12ti» moon it again came with tribute, when<br />

it received 2600 strings <strong>of</strong> cash from the Imperial bounty».<br />

35 2) The references in the texts<strong>of</strong> bothChouK'u-fei and<strong>Chau</strong> <strong>Ju</strong>-kuatotheLohanPin-<br />

t'6n-lu — better known by his Sanskrit name <strong>of</strong> Arhat Pindola (Bharadvaja), to the great disciple<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gautama, the Lohan Mu-lien — in Sanskrit Maudgalyayana, and to Wang-sho-ch'ong — in<br />

Sanskrit Kugagarapnra, the old capital <strong>of</strong> Magadha in Central India, remain unexplained.<br />

None <strong>of</strong> the inscriptions or texts studied by Finot throw any light on these curious Chi-<br />

40 nese traditions, which are found repeated, with only unimportant changes, in Chinese works<br />

4*<br />

5<br />


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