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as shown by increased ISG induction. Interestingly, SeP was<br />

found to regulate IFN signal transduction independent of the<br />

JAK-STAT pathway. In vivo, the ISGs Mx-1 and Oas2 were<br />

significantly increased in SepKO mice compared with WT mice<br />

following PolyI:C injection. To explore the clinical significance,<br />

hepatic gene expression was analyzed in 66 CHC patients;<br />

SeP was upregulated in the early stage of liver fibrosis and was<br />

significantly correlated with a poor outcome of IFN therapy.<br />

Conclusion: In CHC, SeP impaired innate immunity. The present<br />

findings would be useful for the development of novel therapeutic<br />

strategies for patients with chronic liver disease with various<br />

etiologies including NASH and CHC.<br />

Disclosures:<br />

Stanley M. Lemon - Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Merck, Santaris,<br />

Abbott, Gilead; Consulting: Achillion, Idenix; Grant/Research Support: Merck,<br />

Tibotec, Scynexis; Speaking and Teaching: Hoffman LaRoche<br />

Shuichi Kaneko - Grant/Research Support: MDS, Co., Inc, Chugai Pharma., Co.,<br />

Inc, Toray Co., Inc, Daiichi Sankyo., Co., Inc, Dainippon Sumitomo, Co., Inc,<br />

Ajinomoto Co., Inc, Bristol Myers Squibb., Inc, Pfizer., Co., Inc, Astellas., Inc,<br />

Takeda., Co., Inc, Otsuka„ÄÄPharmaceutical, Co., Inc, Eizai Co., Inc, Bayer<br />

Japan, Eli lilly Japan<br />

The following authors have nothing to disclose: Kazuhisa Murai, Masao Honda,<br />

Tetsuro Shimakami, Takayoshi Shirasaki, Hirofumi Misu, Toshinari Takamura,<br />

Seishi Murakami<br />

991<br />

Long noncoding RNAs regulate HCV replication and<br />

ISGs in a Jak-STAT independent manner<br />

Xiao Liu, Jian Hong, Dachuan Cai, Sae Hwan Lee, Dahlene Fusco,<br />

Esperance A. Schaefer, Cynthia Brisac, Anna Lidofsky, Wenyu Lin,<br />

Raymond T. Chung; Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General<br />

Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA<br />

Background/ Aims: Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) involve<br />

in many important cellular process regulations. However, their<br />

roles in the innate immune response including type-1 interferon<br />

(IFN) response to HCV infection are not well understood.<br />

We previously identified SART1, a host protein involved in<br />

RNA splicing and pre-mRNA processing, as a regulator of<br />

IFN antiviral effects (Lin et al, J Hepatology 2015, 62:1024).<br />

We sought to explore lncRNA regulators of HCV replication,<br />

the JAK-STAT pathway, and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs).<br />

Methods: We performed SART1 siRNA knockdown and RNA-<br />

Seq in Huh7.5.1 cells with or without IFN treatment. Bioinformatic<br />

Homo sapiens Genome Browser Gateway analysis was<br />

performed to predict the location of lncRNAs and adjacent<br />

coding genes. Selected lncRNAs, Jak-STAT pathway genes and<br />

ISGs and their proteins, together with HCV replication, were<br />

monitored by qRT-PCR and Western blot in the JFH1 HCV infectious<br />

model. Results: We obtained 6699 lncRNAs regulated<br />

by SART1 and IFN in RNA-Seq. Our bioinformatic analysis<br />

of RNA-Seq data identified a cluster of 60 lncRNAs involved<br />

in IFN’s antiviral regulation. qRT-PCR confirmed that expression<br />

of 14 of these lncRNAs was consistent with the RNA-Seq<br />

data. We then identified 4 anti-sense lncRNA related to ISGs<br />

which negatively regulated the adjacent coding gene expression<br />

based on previous reports. Of these, we selected lncRNA<br />

RP11-670E13.5 (lncRNA-TRIM25) for further characterization<br />

of its regulation of HCV. We found that knockdown of lncRNA<br />

RP11-670E13.5 significantly increased HCV replication compared<br />

to Neg siRNA. We also found that siRNA lncRNA RP11-<br />

670E13.5 significantly reduced TRIM25, MX1, ISG15 mRNA<br />

compared to Neg siRNA in JFH1-infected Huh7.5.1 cells.<br />

Interestingly, STAT1, JAK1, OAS3, and RIG-I mRNA expression<br />

were not affected by the knock-down of lncRNA RP11-<br />

670E13.5. Moreover, we found that siRNA to STAT1 had no<br />

effect on lncRNA RP11-670E13.5 expression. These data suggest<br />

that lncRNA RP11-670E13.5 regulation of HCV is independent<br />

of the Jak-STAT signaling pathway. Conclusion: We<br />

found that lncRNA RP11-670E13.5 has important regulatory<br />

functions of antiviral innate immunity in the JFH1 HCV model.<br />

Our data suggested that lncRNA RP11-670E13.5 regulates<br />

HCV replication independently of the JAK-STAT pathway. We<br />

speculate that RP11-670E13.5 exerts its regulatory function on<br />

the enhancer and promoter activation of nearby protein-coding<br />

(target) genes such as TRIM25, MX1, and ISG15. Further characterization<br />

of the mechanism by which selected lncRNAs that<br />

associate with these genes regulate HCV replication and ISGs<br />

are warranted.<br />

Disclosures:<br />

Dahlene Fusco - Grant/Research Support: Gilead<br />

Raymond T. Chung - Grant/Research Support: Gilead, Mass Biologics, Abbvie,<br />

Merck, BMS<br />

The following authors have nothing to disclose: Xiao Liu, Jian Hong, Dachuan<br />

Cai, Sae Hwan Lee, Esperance A. Schaefer, Cynthia Brisac, Anna Lidofsky,<br />

Wenyu Lin<br />

992<br />

Evaluation of protective and therapeutic strategies<br />

against hepatitis C virus in a syngenic transplantation<br />

mouse model<br />

Matti Sällberg 1 , Sepideh Levander 1 , Fredrik Holmstom 1 , Gustaf<br />

Ahlén 1 , Lars Frelin 1 , Gang Long 2 , Daniel Rupp 2 , Ralf Bartenschlager<br />

2 ; 1 Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,<br />

Sweden; 2 Molecular Virology and Infectious Diseases, University<br />

of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany<br />

Key features of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) are its high genetic<br />

plasticity and its ability to establish chronic infection in hepatocytes.<br />

Development of prophylactic vaccines is hampered by<br />

the lack of immune competent small animal models supporting<br />

robust HCV replication. Herein, we devised an immune competent<br />

mouse model that is based on the syngenic transplantation<br />

of H-2 b -restricted Hep56 cells containing a self-replicating<br />

subgenomic HCV replicon RNA of genotype (gt) 2a. To allow<br />

non-invasive in vivo monitoring of tumor growth, cells were<br />

also stably transfected with a luciferase (Luc) reporter gene.<br />

As controls, Hep56 cells stably expressing an enzymatically<br />

active HCV NS3/4A (gt2a) protease complex were used.<br />

Upon subcutaneous injection, all cell lines generated palpable<br />

tumors with sizes peaking around day 8-16 post inoculation.<br />

Tumor growth correlated with an accumulation of inflammatory<br />

cells and central necrotic areas, concomitant with a decrease<br />

of HCV RNA and Luc DNA copy numbers. DNA vaccination<br />

resulted in a robust NS3/4A(gt2a)-specific CD4+ and CD8+<br />

T cell response protecting wild type, but not HCV NS3/4A(gt1a)-transgenic<br />

(Tg) mice against HCV replicon cell tumors suggesting<br />

cross-genotypic tolerance in NS3/4A(gt1a)-Tg mice.<br />

Hep56 cells stably expressing gt2a NS3/4A primed and<br />

boosted a strong CTL-dominated response, whereas the HCV<br />

replicon cells did not, despite comparable levels of antigen<br />

expression. Thus, similar to human infection, hepatocytes with<br />

replicating HCV RNA appear to be poorly immunogenic arguing<br />

that the replicon-cell based syngenic transplantation model<br />

shares features of infected hepatocytes in patients. Unlike other<br />

models, syngenic transplantation of HCV replicon cells can<br />

be rapidly applied to genetically modified immune competent<br />

mice of the widely used C57BL/6J background for the study<br />

of HCV-specific cellular immune responses. This model will be<br />

highly useful in vaccine development for hepatitis C<br />

Disclosures:<br />

Matti Sällberg - Consulting: Chrontech Pharma AB, Abbvie<br />

The following authors have nothing to disclose: Sepideh Levander, Fredrik Holmstom,<br />

Gustaf Ahlén, Lars Frelin, Gang Long, Daniel Rupp, Ralf Bartenschlager

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