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Indian Diamonds 107<br />

tells of a diamond miner in southern Africa who travels to Borneo to obtain the<br />

“largest and finest diamond in the world” (2: 155) from a local rajah. The diamond<br />

is cursed and every single rajah who had guarded it had died a violent death (1:<br />

138). It does lend itself to a comparison with the other texts, though, as the action<br />

is mostly set in Borneo and not in Europe. The story, nevertheless, is interesting<br />

because, like The Datchet Diamonds 1, it juxtaposes southern African and Oriental<br />

wealth. Furthermore, Stevenson chose the same title for his short-story three years<br />

later.<br />

R. L. Stevenson’s “The Rajah’s Diamond” was published in The London Magazine<br />

in 1878 before it appeared in the collection of the New Arabian Nights (1882).<br />

The collection was published in two volumes with “The Suicide Club” and “The<br />

Rajah’s Diamond” making up the first. Both stories feature the pair of Prince<br />

Florizel of Bohemia and his faithful servant Colonel Geraldine. “The Rajah’s<br />

Diamond” tells of the eponymous diamond’s passage from one owner to the next<br />

in a succession of intentional and unintentional thefts and recoveries. “The Suicide<br />

Club” and “The Rajah’s Diamond” are embedded in a frame narrative of an<br />

editor recounting these stories from an Oriental manuscript and mediating the<br />

“Oriental’s” voice (Stevenson, “Suicide” 68). This frame narrative imitates the<br />

Arabian Nights of the title in connecting the different stories.<br />

Arthur Conan Doyle admired Stevenson’s “The Pavilion on the Links” in the<br />

second volume of the New Arabian Nights (Gray 90). Doyle produced his own<br />

diamond narrative in The Sign of Four, published in 1890 in Lippincott’s Monthly<br />

Magazine. It marks the second appearance of Sherlock Holmes and his friend,<br />

biographer and sometime co-lodger Dr. John Watson, following their first adventure<br />

in A Study in Scarlet (1887). Both novels split their action between London<br />

and a colony so that Holmes investigates colonial crimes which follow their perpetrators<br />

back to England, a device which recurs several times in the Holmes canon.<br />

Doyle references The Moonstone in the plot of his novel and also in the name of<br />

“Able White” (Doyle, Sign 214), an Anglo-Indian planter. Three other Sherlock<br />

Holmes stories involve the theft of diamonds, “The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet”<br />

(1892), “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle” (1892) and “The Adventure<br />

of the Mazarin Stone” (1921). “The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet” identifies<br />

the diamonds as presumably colonial. The beryl coronet is “[o]ne of the most<br />

precious public possessions of the empire” (Doyle, “Beryl” 470) and thus evokes<br />

objects like the crown jewels and a range of historical diamonds. The plotalso<br />

shows some resemblance to The Moonstone, but Doyle does not so much focus the<br />

description on the Indianness of the diamond but on the scene of the theft of the<br />

Moonstone in Rachel’s room, although with reversed roles. In Doyle’s version,<br />

Arthur watches his cousin Mary steal the coronet to run away with her lover. He<br />

snatches part of it back, but he is caught by his father when he puts it into the<br />

1 See p. 108.

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