10.07.2015 Aufrufe

Download PDF - Gedenkort für die im Nationalsozialismus ...

Download PDF - Gedenkort für die im Nationalsozialismus ...

Download PDF - Gedenkort für die im Nationalsozialismus ...


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The Brandenburg Gate is accessibleto all. What heightens its ‘monumental’effect are the quadrigaand its winged driver mounted uphigh, looking down on the citizenry.But today more than ever the Gateas a whole is also in the focus,serving as the backdrop to stateand military ceremonies.The Soviet War MemorialBuilt in 1945 west of the Brandenburg Gate,the Soviet War Memorial comprises both acemetery and a monument to the members ofthe Red Army who lost their lives in the Battle ofBerlin. The memorial is associated with theideas of sacrifice, mourning, honour, victory andpeace. Here the Red Army paid tribute to its fallensol<strong>die</strong>rs while celebrating its victory.All sections of the site are accessible. Thecemetery combined with a memorial to the deadis still very moving today. They sheer size of therow of columns and the bronze sol<strong>die</strong>r demandsthat visitors submit to them, regardless ofwhether they are near or far.106

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