10.07.2015 Aufrufe

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“Pink Triangle” – Berlin, NollendorfplatzThis plaque was put up at Nollendorfplatz UndergroundStation in 1989. The initiators of this action were the AHA(homosexual working group) and the huk berlin (ecumenicalgroup “homosexuals and church”). From January 1933 on,almost all of the homosexual bars and cafes around Nollendorfplatzwere closed down by the Nazis or misused in raidsfor compiling “pink lists” (files on homosexuals).Commemorative Plaque “Pink Triagle”Bologna, Park Piazza di Porta SaragozzaThe initiators of this memorial were the “ArciGay”. Thememorial stone was erected in 1990, and bears the inscription:”Alle vitt<strong>im</strong>e omosessuali del razzismo nazifascista – 25Aprile 1990, 45. Anniversario della liberazione”(to the homosexual vict<strong>im</strong>s of the Nazi racism – April 25, 1990, 45thanniversary of liberation)Memorial Commemorating the Persecution of HomosexualsFrankfurt am Main, Klaus-Mann-Platz – Artist: Rosemarie TrockelThis memorial was presented to the public in 1994. It was the very firstartistically designed memorial commemorating the persecution of homosexualsin Germany. It was made possible thanks to the“Initiative MahnmalHomosexuellenverfolgung” and completed with the support of the City ofFrankfurt am Main, the Hessische Kulturstiftung, the Hannchen-Mehrzweck-Stiftung, and donations from many people all over Germany.The design is based on the angel with a banderole at the west portal ofCologne Cathedral. When the artist, Rosemarie Trockel, replaced thebronze sculpture’s head, which had been knocked off, she mounted itslightly out of place to make the point of rupture visible as a scar. Thepedestal bears an inscription composedby the memorial’s initiators.It names the cr<strong>im</strong>es the Nazis committedagainst homosexual menand women. The sculpture standsin the middle of a square in the citycentre. The square itself has fourbenches and is bordered by a boxtreehedge. (Text: IMH e.V.; Photos:IMH/Axel Schneider)176

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