10.07.2015 Aufrufe

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Download PDF - Gedenkort für die im Nationalsozialismus ...

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Lea RoshPresident of the Association Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe,Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Memorial to the Murdered Jewsof EuropeDr. Christian SaehrendtArt historian, BerlinDr. Claudia SchoppmannHistorian, BerlinProf. Dr. Christoph StölzlHistorian, Vice-president of the Berlin Chamber of DeputiesProf. Dr. Wolfgang WippermannHistorian, private lecturer for New History, Friedrich-Meinecke-Department,FU Berlin,Advisory board member of the Foundation Thuringian MemorialMuseumsEberhard ZastrauAdvisory board member of the Foundation of Brandenburg Memorial MuseumsDieter Z<strong>im</strong>merJournalist and Author, Wiesbaden184

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