10.07.2015 Aufrufe

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The Political Background to the Memorial to the HomosexualsPersecuted under National Socialist Reg<strong>im</strong>eGerman BundestagMotion tabled by the members of parliament Johannes Kahrs, EckhardtBarthel (Berlin), Wilhelm Schmidt (Salzgitter), further members of parliamentand the parliamentary party of the SPD (Social Democratic Party), as well asthe members of parliament Volker Beck (Köln), Claudia Roth (Augsburg),Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Krista Sager, and the parliamentary party of BÜND-NIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN (ALLIANCE 90 / THE GREENS) – 2003-01-07Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under National SocialistReg<strong>im</strong>eThe Bundestag is requested to resolve:1. The Federal Republic of Germany shall erect a memorial to the homosexualspersecuted under National Socialist reg<strong>im</strong>e.We intend this place of memorial- to be in honour of those persecuted and murdered,- to keep alive the memory of the injustices which took place,- to be a lasting warning sign against intolerance and hostility towards gaysand lesbians and their ostracism2. The memorial shall be in central Berlin on the south-eastern edge ofGroßer Tiergarten (Tiergarten Park).3. The form of the memorial shall be decided by means of a design competition.4. The German Bundestag shall, in agreement with the Senate of Berlinand the initiators of the memorial project, request the German Governmentto ensure <strong>im</strong>plementation of this resolution of general principle.Berlin, July 1, 2003Franz Müntefering and the Parliamentary PartyKatrin Göring-Eckardt, Krista Sager and the Parliamentary PartyReasonsBuilding work on the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe began inApril 2003. There has been public debate on a project to create a memorialto the homosexual vict<strong>im</strong>s of National Socialism for some considerablet<strong>im</strong>e.The homosexual vict<strong>im</strong>s of National Socialism have so far had little recognitionin the memorial culture of the Federal Republic of Germany. A central166

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