08.12.2012 Aufrufe

Jahresbericht 2011 - Presse - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

Jahresbericht 2011 - Presse - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

Jahresbericht 2011 - Presse - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien


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khm, museum oF ethnology and austrIan theatre museum, <strong>2011</strong><br />

over the past year, despite the omnipresent international<br />

economic crisis and constrained budgets, more than 1.1<br />

million people visited the collections and attended the<br />

special exhibitions in our museums; the varied programme<br />

that we presented to our public was positively received.<br />

Besides the programme of exhibitions and related events,<br />

a major highlight of the past year was undoubtedly the<br />

opening of our new central depot on the outskirts of<br />

Vienna by the Federal Minister for education, Arts and<br />

culture, claudia Schmied. The construction and fittingout<br />

phase was short and the removal of items from the<br />

former depots occurred smoothly. For the coming decades<br />

the <strong>Kunsthistorisches</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> and its two affiliated<br />

museums have now created a perfectly equipped<br />

museum depot with satisfactory climatic and security<br />

technology.<br />

<strong>2011</strong> was again marked by very intensive construction<br />

work for the collection of Sculpture and Decorative Arts,<br />

which is to be re-opened after being closed for ten years.<br />

Here we are pleased to report great success in the sphere<br />

of fund-raising and the valuable financial support of our<br />

Association of Friends of the <strong>Museum</strong> in Vienna as well<br />

as the international Friends of the <strong>Kunsthistorisches</strong><br />

<strong>Museum</strong>. All management forces of the museum were<br />

also involved in <strong>2011</strong> in evolving a major re-branding<br />

process, and important findings were made in several<br />

workshops as regards a new marketing strategy and the<br />

new positioning of the museums.<br />

By presenting a “Modern and contemporary Programme”<br />

the <strong>Kunsthistorisches</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> aims in future to organise<br />

discussions going beyond the museum’s own collections<br />

in exciting analyses with contemporary artists. one first<br />

major project in this context in <strong>2011</strong> was the presentation<br />

of work by the Belgian artist Jan Fabre in the<br />

Picture Gallery.<br />

The opening of a new creative atelier, varied educational<br />

projects and a diverse programme of events meant that<br />

in <strong>2011</strong> the <strong>Kunsthistorisches</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> was again able to<br />

meet its major core aim of educating and opening up<br />

new circles of visitors. All members of the public under<br />

19 years of age can enter the museum free of charge,<br />

a measure which, in this target group, led to further<br />

increases in the number of visitors. This showed that<br />

here a very important cultural and political step had<br />

been taken.<br />

kunsthIstorIsches museum<br />

notable activities<br />

egyptIan and near eastern collectIon<br />

general reVIsIon oF the InVentory<br />

The egyptian and near eastern collection owns a total of<br />

four inventories: the so-called main inventory (egyptian<br />

inventory), the Semitic inventory, the special inventory<br />

Sichem as well as the archaeological inventory (A-inventory).<br />

As part of a general revision of the inventories,<br />

work commenced on inspecting all inventories in the<br />

egyptian and near eastern collection, but of prime<br />

importance is the inspection of the main inventory and<br />

the archaeological inventory. The successful cooperation<br />

with the scientific association “egypt & Austria” continued<br />

in <strong>2011</strong>. in addition to a six-part series of lectures a study<br />

day on the subject of Ancient Egypt in Travel Literature<br />

was organised.<br />

collectIon oF greek and roman antIQuItIes<br />

concerning the research project Classical Portraits in<br />

Vienna, the main focus was on restoration, the written<br />

and visual documentation of the objects, and on fostering<br />

contacts with the cooperation partner, the Museo del<br />

Prado in Madrid. A further important aspect was the<br />

orientation as part of the international research activity<br />

on the central subject of the project, that is the history of<br />

the classical portrait after it had been found and the<br />

changes made to it until today.<br />

Among the sculptures which had been found in the first<br />

years of the Austrian excavations in ephesus (since 1895),<br />

there were several fragments of a marble frieze with<br />

erotic portrayals. The reliefs come from the scaenae frons,<br />

the rear stage wall of the theatre in ephesus. Work will be<br />

carried out on the frieze and documented in detail, taking<br />

into consideration the fragments that arrived in the<br />

British <strong>Museum</strong> during the 19th century.<br />

collectIon oF sculpture and decoratIVe<br />

arts (kunstkammer), secular and<br />

ecclesIastIcal treasurIes<br />

in <strong>2011</strong> work continued intensively on re-furbishing the<br />

collection of Sculpture and Decorative Arts. in cooperation<br />

with the H. G. Merz office of Architects (Stuttgart) plans<br />

were made for the location of all the objects foreseen for<br />

the new arrangement; the form of their presentation in<br />

the display cases and their didactic relation to each other<br />

were determined. Major aspects of the design of the<br />

exhibition, such as materials, use of colours, seating<br />

facilities, graphic design were elaborated, and samples<br />

made. in <strong>2011</strong> the planning of the display cases was completed.<br />

in addition an extensive concept was evolved for<br />

lighting the rooms and display cases.<br />

Studies continued intensively on the educational concept<br />

elaborated together with the office bogner.cc.<br />

As regards the restoration of objects, extensive conservational<br />

and restorative measures were taken in accordance<br />

with the existing plan.<br />

pIcture gallery<br />

in <strong>2011</strong> the opportunity was seized as part of a threeyear<br />

plan for re-designing the appearance of the gallery.<br />

one of the first aims was to remove the examples of old<br />

German painting from the constricted small corner room<br />

no. 17, originally intended as a provisional solution but<br />

which remained for almost twenty years. Dürer, cranach,<br />

Holbein and other old German masters are now to be<br />

found in Hall XV and the adjoining small room, where<br />

until now only Dutch paintings were on display. The Dutch<br />

schools of painting no longer occupy a large hall – indeed<br />

this does not correspond to their true character – but are on<br />

display in the small rooms between the two larger corner<br />

rooms which are devoted to rembrandt and Vermeer.<br />

in Hall Xii on the other hand a collection of Dutch, Flemish<br />

and German masters from the 16th and 17th centuries are<br />

presented close together and extending right up to the<br />

ceiling. By grouping the paintings together according to<br />

themes and with corresponding formal and decorative<br />

associations, the impression of “Baroque” abundance is<br />

further intensified.<br />

coIn cabInet<br />

Together with the numismatic commission of the<br />

Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) the coin cabinet<br />

has taken on the digitalisation and scientific classification<br />

summary<br />

of the 1,686 coins which were restored to the Kabul<br />

<strong>Museum</strong> after its destruction in 2003. For this purpose a<br />

special data bank was set up which essentially resembles<br />

that of the Viennese coin cabinet. A final introduction as<br />

to how the data bank functions was offered in the context<br />

of the academic exchange in Vienna, in which six<br />

curators from the Kabul <strong>Museum</strong> took part. in addition,<br />

preliminary preparations were made for an exhibition<br />

showing the monetary history of Afghanistan from the<br />

6 th century B.c. to the present.<br />

collectIon oF ancIent musIcal Instruments<br />

in the collection of ancient musical instruments<br />

christoph Bock, “piano tuner of both imperial and royal<br />

court theatres”, is documented merely by means of the<br />

spinet which is the youngest extant quilled instrument<br />

built in Vienna, and which was probably used for coaching<br />

purposes. in <strong>2011</strong> the spinet was carefully restored.<br />

After the sounding board had been removed, it was<br />

planed, cracks were closed up or cleaned, and loose ribs<br />

were re-glued with a new pre-tension. The dogleg jacks<br />

were fitted extremely precisely; as regards the new<br />

intonation most of the old quills were re-usable. With a<br />

pitch of a1 = 435 Hz and good tuning retention it became<br />

possible to play this continuo instrument again, which<br />

had been unplayable for decades because of climatic<br />

damage.<br />

collectIon oF arms and armour<br />

in the context of the research project on the etched<br />

decoration of German armour from the renaissance,<br />

special attention is given to the œuvre of the graphic<br />

artist from Augsburg Daniel Hopfer (1471–1536) as an<br />

etcher of armour. This field requires particularly detailed<br />

analysis as the great influence of Hopfer’s graphic art on<br />

south-German art makes it difficult to establish whether<br />

the artist carried out the work himself. in the context of<br />

the project a great number of ornamented armours were<br />

studied which are associated with Daniel Hopfer. The<br />

findings from this analysis led to many works being<br />

attributed to him or established as being clearly not by<br />

him, and they were also helpful for dating Hopfer’s<br />

graphic art.<br />

museum oF carrIages and department oF<br />

court unIForms<br />

on 19 June <strong>2011</strong> over 8000 people flocked during the<br />

open Day to the <strong>Museum</strong> of carriages. Besides summary<br />

guided tours and special tours, a full and exciting<br />

programme provided visitors with insights into the<br />

fascinating world of research in the museum and the<br />

opportunity to visit the restoration studios. carriage<br />

rides in the palace gardens and displays by lady horseriders<br />

sitting side-saddle allowed visitors to gain vivid<br />

impressions of the world of the horse and carriage. in<br />

front of the carriage <strong>Museum</strong> a festive marquee was set<br />

up where Maya Hakvoort, star of the musical Elisabeth,<br />

presented highlights; historian Brigitte Hamann spoke<br />

about the life circumstances of the empress, and carolin<br />

Maikler presented her book on elisabeth as a literary<br />

myth; the replica of “Sisi’s” (as elisabeth was known)<br />

wedding stole was also on display. As the crowning finale<br />

of the day Meinhard rüdenauer presented the world<br />

premiere of his “imperial carriage Music”. in addition to<br />

the broad variety of activities for adults there was also an<br />

extensive programme for children: pony rides and workshops<br />

on how to make crowns and carriages.<br />


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