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2516 J. Med. Plants Res.<br />

Table 1. Palatability score of herbal teas.<br />

Herb /plant material Average score* Score range<br />

Wild rose fruits (Rosae pseudo-fructus) 4.64 2-5<br />

Peppermint leaves (Menthae piperitae folium) 4.63 3-5<br />

Lime flowers (Tiliae flos) 4.63 3-5<br />

Hawthorn fruits (Crataegi fructus) 4.50 2-5<br />

Primula flowers (Primulae flos) 4.18 2-5<br />

Mullein flowers (Verbasci flos) 4.10 2-5<br />

Catmint leaves (Nepetae catariae folium) 4.07 2-5<br />

Spearmint leaves (Menthae spicatae folium) 3.99 2-5<br />

Raspberry leaves (Rubi idaei folium) 3.99 2-5<br />

Juniper fruits (Juniperi fructus) 3.97 2-5<br />

Creeping thyme herb (Serpylli herba) 3.93 3-5<br />

Lemon balm leaves (Melissae folium) 3.85 2-5<br />

Caraway fruits (Carvi fructus) 3.69 1-5<br />

Liquorice roots (Glycyrrhizae radix) 3.66 1-5<br />

St. John’s wort herb (Hyperici herba) 3.64 1-5<br />

Common plantain leaves (Plantaginis majoris folium) 3.56 2-5<br />

Pineapple weed flowers (Matricariae suaveolentis flos) 3.53 1-5<br />

Cornflower flowers (Cyani flos) 3.51 2-5<br />

Nettle leaves (Urticae folium) 3.50 2-5<br />

German chamomile flowers (Chamomillae flos) 3.50 1-5<br />

Hyssop leaves (Hyssopi folium) 3.47 1-5<br />

Cottonweed herb (Gnaphalii uliginosi herba) 3.47 2-5<br />

Lady’s mantle leaves (Alchemillae folium) 3.44 2-5<br />

Common knotweed herb (Polygoni avicularis herba) 3.36 1-4<br />

Birch leaves (Betulae folium) 3.33 1-5<br />

Primula leaves (Primulae folium) 3.31 1-5<br />

Flax seeds (Lini semen) 3.30 1-5<br />

Pot marigold flowers (Calendulae flos) 3.30 1-5<br />

Coltsfoot leaves (Farfarae folium) 3.18 1-5<br />

Oak bark (Quercus cortex) 2.71 1-4<br />

Hops (Lupuli strobilus) 2.61 2-5<br />

Valerian root (Valerianae radix) 2.60 1-4<br />

Rosemary herb (Ledi herba) 2.60 1-5<br />

Yarrow herb (Millefolii herba) 2.54 1-5<br />

Sage leaves (Salviae officinalis folium) 2.52 1-5<br />

Cowberry herb (Vitis-idaeae herb) 2.36 1-4<br />

Common motherwort herb (Leonuri herba) 2.34 1-4<br />

Tormentil rhizome (Tormentillae rhizoma) 1.97 1-4<br />

Bearberry leaves (Uvae ursi folium) 1.78 1-4<br />

Frangula bark (Frangulae cortex) 1.67 1-3<br />

Iceland moss (Lichen islandicus) 1.48 1-4<br />

Wormwood herb (Absinthii herba) 1.19 1-2<br />

Bogbean leaves (Menyanthidis folium) 1.03 1-2<br />

70 subjects tasted all herbal teas. *5-point taste scale (1=distasteful, 5=excellent taste).<br />

increased if the extraction time is extended.<br />

Nevertheless, this phenomenon is medicinal plant<br />

specific and for an example, in our another study (Raal et<br />

al., 2012) it was found that prolongation of the extraction<br />

time of chamomile tea from 5 min to 12 h in a thermos<br />

bottle did not remarkably increased the content of the<br />

total polyphenols and flavonoids. Usually the German<br />

chamomile inflorescences cultivated in Estonia are rich of

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