memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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M27C1024READ OPERATIONDC AND AC CONDITIONSSelection Code -12XFlI-15XFl -12Fl/-15Fl - 15XF6/-20XF6- 20XFlI- 25XFl - 20Fl/- 25Fl -25XF6Operating Temperature Range o to 70·C o to 70·C -40 to 85·CVee Power Supply (1,2) 5V ±5% 5V ±10% 5V ±5%Vpp Voltage (2) Vpp = Vee Vpp = Vee Vpp = VeeDC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSSymbol Parameter Test ConditionsValuesMin, Typ. (2) Max.III Input Load Current VIN=5.5V 10 p.AILOOutput LeakageCurrent VOUT=5.5V 10 p.<strong>Al</strong>eel Vee Current Standby CE=VIH 1 mAICC2 Vee Current Active CE=OE=VIL @f=8MHz 20 50 mAVIL Input Low Voltage -0.1 +0.8 VVIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+ 0.5 VVOL Output Low Voltage IOL=2.1 mA 0.45 VVOH Output High Voltage IOH = - 400 p.A 2.4 VUnitAC CHARACTERISTICSSymbolParameterVcc±10% 27Cl024-121 27Cl024·151 27Cl024-201 27Cl024-251Vcc±5% 27Cl024-12X 27Cl024-15X 27Cl024-20X 27Cl024-25XTest Condition Min Max Min Max Min Max Min MaxtAee Address to Output Delay CE=OE=VIL 120 150 200 250 nsteE CE to Output Delay OE=VIL 120 150 200 250 nstoE OE to Output Delay CE=VIL 60 60 75 75 nstOF(3) OEHigh to Output Float CE=VIL 0 60 0 60 0 90 0 90 nstOH Output Hold from Address CE CE=OE=VIL 0 0 0 0 nsor OE Whichever Occurred FirstUnitCAPACITANCE(4) (T amb = 25°C, f = 1 MHz)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. (2) Max. UnitCIN Input Capacitance VIN=OV 4 6 pFCOUT Output Capacitance VOUT=OV 8 12 pFNotes:1. Vcc must be applied simuHaneously or before Vpp and removed simultaneously or after Vpp.2. Typical values are for T amb = 25°C and nominal supply voltages.3. This parameter is only sampled and not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven-seetiming diagram.4. This parameter is only sampled and not 100% tested.3/10135---~--'------------------------~-------

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