memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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MK48C02A112A(K,N)-15/20/25FIGURE 6. POWER DOWN/POWER-UP TIMINGV pFD (MAX)- -V.F• (MIN)- -ALL INPUTSAECOGNIZEDIIDON'T CARE--.It,,"K NOTE>-RECOGNIZEDALLVALIDOUTPUTS (PEA CON.TAOL INPUTI I}-------I t---- HIGH.zVALID(PEA CONTROL INPUT)NOTE:Inputs mayor may not be recognized at this time,Caution should be taken to keep E or W in the high state Vee rises pastVPFD (min), Some systems may perform inadvertant write cycles aiter Veerises but before normal system operation begins. Even though a power onreset is being applied to the processor a reset condition may not occur untilaiter the system clock is running.7/10295

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