memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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~ SGS-1HOMSONIt.. ~ L [j\I'A]O©OO@~OJ~©'iJ'OO@~O©~TS93C461 K BIT SERIAL CMOS EEPROM• HIGHLY RELIABLE CMOS FLOATING GATETECHNOLOGY.• SINGLE 5-VOL T SUPPLY• EIGHT PIN PACKAGE.• 64 x 16 OR 128 x 8 USER SELECTABLESERIAL MEMORY• COMPATIBLE WITH NATIONALSEMICONDUCTOR NMC 9346 and NMC 9306• SELF TIMED PROGRAMMING CYCLE.• WORD AND CHIP ERASABLE• 10,060 ERASEIWRITE CYCLES.• TEN YEARS DATA RETENTION• POWER-ON DATA PROTECTIONPDIP-8(Plastic Package)(Ordering Information at the end of the datasheet)PIN CONNECTIONSPIN NAMESCSCHIP SELECTSKCLOCK INPUT01 SERIAL DATA INPUTDOSERIAL DATA OUTPUTORGORGANIZATION INPUTVee+ 5V POWER SUPPLYGNDGROUNDNCNO CONNECTCS 18 ~ VeeSK 2 7 ~NC01 36~ ORG00 14 5 ~ GNO5 10637PIN DESCRIPTIONNameNoCS 1 Chip SelectSK 2 Clock Input01 3 Serial Data InputDO 4 Serial Data OutputGND 5 GroundDescriptionORG 6 Memory Array Organization Selection Input. When the ORG pin is connected to '+ 5, the64 x 16 organization is selected. When it is connected to ground, the 128 x 8 organizationis selected. If the ORGpin is left unconnected, then an internal pull up device will selectthe 64 x 16 organization.Vee 8 + 5V Power SupplyJune 1988 117247

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