memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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MK41H87(N)-25/35/45WRITE MODEThe MK41H87 is in the Write Mode whenever theWE and CE inputs are in the low state. CE or WEmust be high during address transitions. Addressesmust be held valid throughout a write cycle. TheWrite begins with the concurrence of a low on WEand CE. Therefore. tAS is referenced to the latterFIGURE 3. WRITE-WRITE-WRITE-READ TIMINGoccurrl!!g edge of CE or WE. If the output is enabled(CE is low). then WE will return the output tohigh impedance within tWEZ of its falling edge.Data-In must remain valid tOH after the rising edgeof CE or WE.i---'wc---+I------I---'.c---ICEI Ioa3/8509----------- -------------~ ---------~------

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