memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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M2364DC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb=O°C to + 70°C, VCC=5V ± 10% unless otherwisespecified)Symbol Parameter Test ConditionsIII Input Load Current Vcc=5.5V,OV";;'VIN,,;;,5.5VILO Output Leakage Current Chip deselectedVOUT=OV to VCCValuesMin. Typ. Max.Unit10 ~10 ~VIL Input Low Voltage See note 1 -0.5 0.8 VVIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee VVOL Output Low Voltage IOL=2.1 rnA 0.4 VVcc=4.5VVOH Output High Voltage IOH= -400 p.A 2.4 Vee VVcc=4.5VIce Power Supply Current Output unloaded, Chipenabled Vcc=5.5V,VIN=Vec 80 rnANote 1: Input levels that swing more negative than - O.SV will be clamped and may cause damage to the device.AC CHARACTERISTICSSymbolParameterTestM2364Conditions Min MaxtAce Address Access Time Output load: 1 TTL load 250 nsand 100 pFtco Chip Select Delay 100 nstOF Chip Deselect Delay Input transition time:20 ns 100 nstOH Previous Data Valid After Address Timing reference levels: 10 nsChange DelayInput: 1.5 VOutput: O.SV and 2.0VUnitCAPACITANCE (Tamb=25°C, f=1 MHz, see Note 2))Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. UnitCIN Input CapaCitance <strong>Al</strong>l pins except pin7 pFunder test tied to ACgroundCOUT Output Capacitance10 pFNole 2: This parameter is sampled periodically and is not 100%, tested.3/4269.._--.----- .--..-~.-------------- ....' ---_._. ~~~-~

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