memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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ST27256PREAD OPERATIONDC AND AC CONDITIONSSelection Code -17x/-20X - 20/- 25/- 30Operating Temperature Range o to 70 D C o to 70 D CVee Power Supply (1,2) 5V ±5% 5V ±10%Vpp Voltage (2) Vpp = Vee Vpp = VeeDC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSSymbol Parameter Test ConditionsValuesMin. Typ. (3) Max.III Input Load Current VIN=5.5V 10 I"AILO Output Leakage Current VOUT=5.5V 10 I"AIpp1(2) Vpp Current Read Standby Vpp=5.5V 5 mAIce 1(2) Vee Current Standby CE=VIH 20 40 m<strong>Al</strong>ee2(2) Vee Current Active CE=OE=VIL 45 100 mAVpp=VeeVIL Input Low Voltage -0.1 +0.8 VVIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+ 1 VVOL Output Low Voltage IOL=2.1 mA 0.45 VVOH Output High Voltage IOH= -400 I"A 2.4 VVPP(2) Vpp Read Voltage Vee=5V±0.25V 3.8 Vee VUnitAC CHARACTERISTICSVcc± 5% 27256·17X 27256·20XSymbol Parameter Vcc±10% 27256·20 27256·25 27256·30 UnitTest Conditions Min Max Min Max Min Max Min MaxtAee Address to Output Delay CE=OE=VIL 170 200 250 300 nsteE CE to Output Delay OE=VIL 170 200 250 300 nstOE OE to Output Delay CE=VIL 70 75 100 120 nstOF(4) OE High to Output Float CE=VIL 35 0 55 0 60 0 105 nstOH Output...!::!gld from Address CE=OE= VIL 0 0 0 0 nsCE or OE WhicheverOccurred FirstCAPACITANCE(S) (Tamb = 25°C, f = 1 MHz)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. UnitCIN Input Capacitance VIN=OV 4 6 pFCOUT Output Capacitance VOUT=OV 8 12 pFNotes:1. vcc must be applied simuttaneously or before Vpp and removed simultaneously or after Vpp.2. Vpp may be connected directly to Vee except during programming. The supply current would then be the sum of Icc and IpP1 '3. Typical values are for T amb =2soe and nominal supply voltages.4. This parameter is only sampled and not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven·seetiming diagram.5. This parameter is only sampled and not 100% tested.3/10167

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