memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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MK41 H79(N, P)-20/25/35Valid data will be available at the four Data Outputpins within tAA after the last address input signalis stable, providing that the CE and DE (OJ!!put Enable)access times are satisfied. If CE or OE accesstimes are not met, data access will be measuredfrom the limiting parameter (tCEA or tOE<strong>Al</strong> ratherREAD CYCLE TIMINGAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(O°C:s;T A :s; 70 0C) (Vcc = 5.0 V ± 10 percent)than the address. The state of the four Data 110 pinsis controlled by the CE, WE and OE control signals.The data lines may be in an indeterminate state attCEL and tOEL' but the data lines will always havevalid data at tAA.MK41H79-20 MK41H79-25 MK41H79-35SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTEStRC Read Cycle Time 20 25 35 nstAA Address Access Time 20 25 35 ns 1tCEL Chip Enable to Low-Z 7 7 7 ns 2tCEA Chip Enable Access Time 20 25 35 ns 1tOEL Output Enable to Low-Z 2 2 2 ns 2tOEA Output Enable Access Time 10 12 15 ns 1tRCS Read Command Setup Time 0 0 0 nstRCH Read Command Hold Time 0 0 0 nstOH Valid Data Out Hold Time 5 5 5 ns 1tCEz Chip Enable to High-Z 8 10 13 ns 2tOEZ Output Enable to High-Z 7 8 10 ns 2tWEZ Write Enable to High-Z 8 10 13 ns 2FIGURE 2. READ-READ-READ-WRITE TIMINGt .. ~-'-lCE I r-OE I I IWE1-1-+--'*'CHI2110498

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