memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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t="= SGS-THOMSONA.., L ~D©[R3@~I1~©'jj'[R3@~D©~M27512512K (64K x 8) NMOS UV ERASABLE PROMPRELIMINARY DATA• FAST ACCESS TIME:200ns MAX M27512-2F1• 0 TO + 70°C STANDARD TEMPERATURERANGE• SINGLE + 5V POWER SUPPLY• LOW STANDBY CURRENT (40mA MAX)• TTL COMPATIBLE• FAST PROGRAMMING• ELECTRONIC SIGNATUREDESCRIPTIONThe M27512 is a 524,288-bit ultraviolet erasable andelectrically programmable read only <strong>memory</strong>(EPROM). It is organized as 65,536 words by 8 bitsand manufactured using SGS-THOMSON' NMOS­E3 process. The M27512 with its single +5V powersupply and with an access time of 2oons, is idealfor use with high performance + 5V microprocessorallowing full speed operation without the additionof performance-degrading WAIT states. TheM27512 has an important feature whiCh isjQ..separatethe output control, Output....!;,nable (OENpp)from the Chip Enable control (CE). The OENppcontrol eliminates bus contention in multiple bus microprocessor systems. The M27512 also featuresa standby mode which reduces the power dissipationwithout increasing access time. The active currentis 125mA while the maximum standby currentis only 40 mA, a 70% saving. The standby modeis achieved by applying a TTL-high signal to the CEinput. The M27512 enables implementation of new,advanced systems with firmware intensive architectures.The combination of the M27512s high density,and new advanced microprocessors havingmegabit addressing capability provides designerswith opportunities to engineer user-friendly, high reliability,high-performance systems. The M275121argestorage capability enables it to function as a highdensity software carrier. Entire operating systems,diagnostics, high-level language programs and specializedapplication software can reside in a M27512directly on a system's <strong>memory</strong> bus. This permits immediatemicroprocessor access and execution ofsoftware and eliminates the need for time consumingdisk accesses and downloads. The M27512 has an"Electronic Signature" that allows programmers toautomatically identify device type and pinout. TheM27512 is available in a 28-lead dual in-line ceramicpackage glass lens (frit seal).June 1988~,~I'/jli"FDIP-28(Ceramic Bull's Eye)(Ordering Information at the end of the datasheet)PIN NAMESAO-A15CEOENppPIN CONNECTIONSA1S ~ ~ VeeA12 27 A14A7 26~ A13A6 25 ASAS 24 A9A4 23 <strong>Al</strong>lA3 22 OE/VppA2 21 <strong>Al</strong>0<strong>Al</strong> 20 CEAO 10 19 0700 11 18 0601 r 12 17 0502 13 16 04GNO [14 15 035·157SADDRESS INPUTCHIP ENABLE INPUTOUTPUT ENABLE INPUT00-07 DATA INPUT/OUTPUT1/1573

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