memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

memory products - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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M K4501(N, K)-65/80110/12115/20SINGLE DEVICE CONFIGURATIONWIDTH EXPANSIONA single MK4501 may be used when application requirementsare for 512 words or less. The MK4501is placed in Single Device Configuration mode wh~the chip is Reset with the Expansion In pin (XI)grounded (see Figure 7).FIGURE 7. A SINGLE 512 x 9 FIFO CONFIGURATIONEXPANSION OUT(r- -WRITE (WI (RI READWord width may be increased simply by connectingthe corresponding input control signals of multipledevices. Status Flags (EF and FF) can bedetected from anyone device. Figure 8 demonstratesan 18-bit word width by using two MK4501s.Any word width can be attained by adding additionalMK4501s.99JI.L j.,DATA IN/\ 4/DATA OUT5_ r0.. FULL FLAG IFFIY1 (EFI EMPTY FLAGRESET IRsI (FITI RETRANSMITEXPANSION IN (xi) 1FIGURE 8. A 512 x 18 FIFO CONFIGURATION (WIDTH EXPANSION)DATA INWR ITE --'.!!.!.....--+iFULL FLA ... G~(=FF=I __--lR ESET_-,(.:.:R.::.S I'-----i~IAI READ~--------l--4--~-(--~EF"I~EM~P~T~Y~F~lAG5(Afl RETRANSMITI+::---------l - - L_9 9oEXPANSION IN (Xi)DATA OUTNOTEFlag detectipn is accomplished by monitoring the FF and EF signals on either(any) device used in the width expansion configuration. Do not connect flagoutput signals together.8/15404

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