Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com


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II est passe par iciII repassera par 10II court, il court Ie furetLe furet d' I'economie.He came th is way;He'll go back that way.The weasel is running,The economic weasel.This is what children sing as <strong>the</strong>ir moist hands polish <strong>the</strong> ring that ispassed around on a string.To get rid <strong>of</strong> one's own responsibility, <strong>the</strong> big explanations are useful;but as soon as one stops trying to blame someone else, <strong>the</strong>se big explanationshave to be replaced by little netw<strong>or</strong>ks. Who decides that <strong>Aramis</strong> mustbe influenced by <strong>the</strong> change <strong>of</strong> administration in 1981? Four <strong>or</strong> five people,all identifiable and interviewable. Who decides that aeronautic projectsdon't have to be subject to <strong>the</strong> vagaries <strong>of</strong> changes in administration? Tenpeople, some <strong>of</strong> whom, it is said, are camping out in <strong>the</strong> Budget Office as"submarines" <strong>or</strong> "Trojan h<strong>or</strong>ses." Who decides about <strong>Aramis</strong>' economicpr<strong>of</strong>itability? Eight people, all identifiable and interviewable. Who decidesthat <strong>the</strong> economic calculations that prove <strong>Aramis</strong>' pr<strong>of</strong>itability are purefictions? Again, four <strong>or</strong> five people, <strong>the</strong> same ones <strong>or</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, equallyidentifiable and interviewable. Who passes judgment on <strong>Aramis</strong>' technologicalfeasibility? Three people, maybe four. Who passes judgment on<strong>Aramis</strong>' technological infeasibility? Fifteen people <strong>or</strong> so; <strong>the</strong>y're harder topinpoint, but <strong>the</strong>ir tongues loosen after a few hours <strong>of</strong> conversation. It'sclear: <strong>Aramis</strong> is not in an overall context that has to be taken into account.To study <strong>Aramis</strong> after 1981, we have to odd to <strong>the</strong> filaments <strong>of</strong> its netw<strong>or</strong>ka small number <strong>of</strong> people representing o<strong>the</strong>r interests and o<strong>the</strong>r goals:elected <strong>of</strong>ficials, Budget Office auth<strong>or</strong>ities, economists, evaluat<strong>or</strong>s, certainmembers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Conseil Superieur des Pants.The few elected <strong>of</strong>ficials recruited by <strong>the</strong> project certainly don't countas Politics; <strong>the</strong> economists who calculate pr<strong>of</strong>it margins don't constituteEconomics; <strong>the</strong> handful <strong>of</strong> engineers who evaluate <strong>Aramis</strong>' technologicalrefinement certainly don't equate with <strong>Technology</strong>. The impression <strong>of</strong> acontext that surrounds <strong>the</strong> project <strong>com</strong>es from <strong>the</strong> fact that one f<strong>or</strong>gets tocount <strong>the</strong> handful <strong>of</strong> mediat<strong>or</strong>s who speak in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> money, OfficialBodies, chips, <strong>or</strong> voters. Once we add <strong>the</strong> spokespersons back in, everythingclears up: <strong>the</strong> netw<strong>or</strong>k is extended, but its nature doesn't change.We've gone from a netw<strong>or</strong>k to a netw<strong>or</strong>k and a half.INHRPI,ASl. - . ._-- ---- -- --- --- -- --

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