Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com


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eligion <strong>of</strong> Silence, as <strong>com</strong>plex and pious as our religion <strong>of</strong> Speech. Whatexegesis will have to be invented to provide <strong>com</strong>mentary on <strong>the</strong> Silence <strong>of</strong>machines? What secular hist<strong>or</strong>y will ever be able to narrate <strong>the</strong> transcription<strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ds into <strong>the</strong> silence <strong>of</strong> automatons?Beyond our infinite respect f<strong>or</strong> <strong>the</strong> deciphering <strong>of</strong> Scripture, we needto have infinite respect f<strong>or</strong> <strong>the</strong> deciphering <strong>of</strong> inscriptions. To propose <strong>the</strong>description <strong>of</strong> a technological mechanism is to extract from it precisely <strong>the</strong>script that <strong>the</strong> engineers had transcribed in <strong>the</strong> mechanisms and <strong>the</strong> automatisms<strong>of</strong> humans <strong>or</strong> nonhumans. * It is to retrace <strong>the</strong> path <strong>of</strong> incarnation in<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r direction. It is to rewrite in w<strong>or</strong>ds and arguments what hasbe<strong>com</strong>e, what might have be<strong>com</strong>e, thanks to <strong>the</strong> intermediary <strong>of</strong> mechanisms,a mute function. The physical link between cars, <strong>the</strong> calculated linkbetween pairs <strong>of</strong> cars, and <strong>the</strong> little shock abs<strong>or</strong>bers that auth<strong>or</strong>ize shocks:here is <strong>the</strong> m<strong>or</strong>ality <strong>of</strong> things."Hmm," I said skeptically, "we're doing <strong>the</strong>ology now, are we?Considering where we 've got to, actually, we may as well start lightingcandles; we're just drifting. Anyway, from day one you've been explainingthat we have to hold onto <strong>the</strong> humans and <strong>the</strong> nonhumans. I don'tsee what's new in Phase 3B.""But it's <strong>the</strong> Achilles' heel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole <strong>Aramis</strong> project! We hadn'tyet grappled with <strong>the</strong> technology. It was still only a project, and projectsare w<strong>or</strong>ds, plans, signs, that s<strong>or</strong>t <strong>of</strong> thing, whereas now we 're goingright to <strong>the</strong> object, and we're still dealing with <strong>the</strong> social arena, <strong>the</strong>social bond, attachments and values, but now <strong>the</strong>y've been altered,transf<strong>or</strong>med. The question now is to find out what quantity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> socialelement <strong>Aramis</strong> can abs<strong>or</strong>b, transf<strong>or</strong>m, displace, by getting m<strong>or</strong>e <strong>com</strong>plicated,by folding itself up tighter. If it can hold its whole contradict<strong>or</strong>yenvironment toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>n it will exist."*Madeleine Akrich, "The De-Scription <strong>of</strong> Technical Objects," in Wiebe Bijkerand John Law, eds., Shaping <strong>Technology</strong> / BUilding SOCiety: Swdies in SOCiological Change(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992), pp. 205224.ARAMIS AT THE eFT STAGE

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