Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com

Bruno Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, PDF - Dss-edit.com


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"But you're not being asked to write a novel; you're supposed toprovide <strong>the</strong> truth. That's what <strong>the</strong>y're paying you f<strong>or</strong>, N<strong>or</strong>bert.""No. First <strong>of</strong> all, I'm <strong>the</strong> one who's paying you to help me, andI'm paying you to write everything dmvn-all <strong>the</strong> st<strong>or</strong>ies <strong>of</strong> goals anddesire and trials. Not so you11 unearth <strong>the</strong> truth in <strong>the</strong> act<strong>or</strong>s' stead.The truth will <strong>com</strong>e out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> novel, out <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> novels told by all<strong>the</strong> interviewees about all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs.""A total novel?""Not even; we11 let <strong>the</strong> act<strong>or</strong>s do <strong>the</strong> totals <strong>the</strong>mselves.""Several different totals? When I think that I could have spent <strong>the</strong>year doing real technology, that I had a good slot in <strong>the</strong> Man-MachineInteraction and Artificial Intelligence program!""But you're <strong>the</strong>re, my friend-you're up to your ears in it. Thisis what man-machine interaction is, and artificial intelligence.""Sure it is! Concocting a novel about people who're writingtechnological-fiction novels and leading one ano<strong>the</strong>r down <strong>the</strong> gardenpath!"[INTERVIEW EXCERPTS]On <strong>the</strong> boulevard Vict<strong>or</strong>, in <strong>the</strong> proiect's now-abandoned <strong>of</strong>fices, M Parlatis expressing ra<strong>the</strong>r heated feelings about <strong>the</strong> manufacturer:"Let's soy that Matra took us f<strong>or</strong> a ride. They never intended to go throughwith <strong>Aramis</strong>. When <strong>the</strong>y saw <strong>the</strong> problems piling up, <strong>the</strong>y chucked it."It was a case <strong>of</strong> a manufacturer pursuing its own interest; that's n<strong>or</strong>mal."We're rivals. Bef<strong>or</strong>e this, <strong>the</strong> RATP always dealt with subcontract<strong>or</strong>s. * Butthis time <strong>the</strong>y were acting as general contract<strong>or</strong>, so <strong>the</strong> less we knew about it<strong>the</strong> better."It's private versus public. It's not a total loss f<strong>or</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, by <strong>the</strong> way, since<strong>the</strong>y paid f<strong>or</strong> all <strong>the</strong>ir research f<strong>or</strong> Lyon and f<strong>or</strong> SACEM out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Aramis</strong>budget, <strong>the</strong> public budgets." [no. 2]---- ---*The question <strong>of</strong> who is in control <strong>of</strong> technological <strong>com</strong>petcncy is a crucialissue in all projects: thc contracting auth<strong>or</strong>ity is fur<strong>the</strong>r removed from <strong>the</strong> details than<strong>the</strong> contract<strong>or</strong>. As f<strong>or</strong> subcontract<strong>or</strong>s, thcy simply arrange f<strong>or</strong> <strong>the</strong> various specializedservices.______________________ ____ ____ ________ -'-T,-,H.:c.c---,I 9 8 4 DEC I S I 0 i'-" .

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