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Chapter 11 171The result of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes was over one hundredyears of Jesuit suppression of the Protestant faith in France! (Many Huguenots wouldcome to Am<strong>eric</strong>a and settle in English Carolina — North and South Carolina. One ofour Founding Fathers was a descendant of these persecuted French Calvinists. Acontributor to The Federalist Papers and our first Chief Justice, he was the learned andgreat John Jay!) But, like in the Jesuits’ Communist Russia and Communist China,the Bible-believing Protestant and Baptist Churches continued underground until theJesuit General used his French Revolution to punish the disobedient Pope and RomanCatholic Monarchs of Europe for abolishing his Society of Jesus.“Although Protestantism seemed to be utterly stamped out in Franceduring the century which followed the Revocation of the Edict ofNantes – although its ministers were banished, its churches and schoolssuppressed; and it was placed entirely beyond the pale of the law – itnevertheless continued to have an acted existence . . . for the Protestants,after the Revocation, constituted a sort of underground church, regularlyorganized, though its meetings were held <strong>by</strong> night in forests, in cavesamong the hills, or in unsuspected places even in the heart of largetowns and cities, in all parts of France.” {8}Dear truth-seeker, what is the difference between France under the Revocationand Russia and China under Communism in their treatment of Protestant and BaptistBible-believers? Nothing! For as we shall see, their masters are the same — thosevile, heartless and murderous Sons of Loyola!Dear truth-seeker, do you see why Am<strong>eric</strong>a’s founding fathers, theBaptist-Calvinist Virginian patriots being James Madison and George Mason inparticular, insisted upon a Bill of Rights to secure Protestant and Baptist libertiesfrom federal abridgement? Do you see why certain of our Southern, anti-federalist,Bible believing founding fathers wanted neither the Roman Catholic Hierarchy northe English Anglican Hierarchy, both brotherhoods then and now being overseenand infested with Jesuits, to govern us Am<strong>eric</strong>ans with unrestrained, absolute powerthrough our duly constituted Federal Government? Has Washington, D.C., ournational capital, degenerated into what our founding fathers feared what it mightbecome as declared during the federalist and anti-federalist debates, namely “Romeon the Potomac?” (In 1888 Justin D. Fulton released his masterpiece, Washington InThe Lap of Rome, fully substantiating the fears of our Southern Founding Fathers!)If a French King – Louis XIV – could revoke Protestant liberty with an“edict” could not an Am<strong>eric</strong>an President, operating under the Emergency WarPowers Act of 1950 as the Commander-in-Chief, do the same with an “executiveorder”? Would the Jesuits attempt to do the same thing in the United States if all theguns were registered then confiscated just as they did in Nazi Germany?The Jesuits – 1685

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