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162 Vatican AssassinsCromwell was regarded as invincible and enjoyed the confidence and love of hissoldiers. Cromwell went on to triumph over the Jesuits with their tools, Charles I andthe Royalists. The battles of Nas<strong>by</strong>, Marston Moor, Dunbar, Worcester and chargingthe breach of Drogheda were all crowned with success, as Cromwell was fighting forfreedom of conscience – so hated <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits and their Council of Trent – whileCharles I was fighting for absolute monarchy and Papal supremacy. With theParliament executing the king for high treason, Cromwell went on to be “the LordProtector of the British Commonwealth and Defender of the Protestant Faith.” Helater dissolved the self-serving Parliament and banished the Jesuits from the kingdomresulting in many conspiracies against his life. In 1654 a plot was discovered and theJesuits’ would be <strong>assassins</strong>, Gerard and Vowel, were promptly executed.Therefore:“A hundred and sixty brave fellows selected from his differentregiments of cavalry, divided into eight companies, became hisbodyguard; ten of whom were always on duty about his person. Onthese he could rely; and unflinching and bold must be the man, andquick the assassin’s knife, that could reach him then.” {4}Clearly, Cromwell would not be another Admiral Coligny, William I ofOrange or Henry IV. Although the Jesuits failed in their many attempts toassassinate The Defender, they managed to cruelly poison his beloved daughter,Elizabeth. We read of her painful suffering and of her father’s despairing heart:“ . . . the Lady Claypole [Elizabeth Cromwell], his favorite daughter,was taken sick with a fatal and most painful disease. The Protector wasforgotten in the father; and hurrying to Hampton Court, he took hisplace <strong>by</strong> her bed-side, overwhelmed with sorrow. Her convulsions, andcries of distress, tore his heart-strings asunder, and shook that strongand affectionate nature to its foundations. His kingdom, his power, theCommonwealth, were all forgotten; and for fourteen days he bent overhis beloved child . . . ” {5} [Emphasis added]The Protector went on to lay the foundation of the British possessions in theWest Indies and caused the flourishing of the preaching of the gospel while defendingfreedom of conscience condemned <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits’ Council of Trent.“So far did his thoughts reach beyond his age, that he desired andearnestly attempted [but failed] to extend the rights of citizenship to theoutcast and persecuted Jews. [Cromwell, the Protector of England andthe Defender of the Protestant faith, did however readmit the Jews intoEngland in 1655 upon the formal request of Manasseh ben Israel].” {6}The Jesuits – 1642 - 1658

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