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556 Vatican AssassinsBishops, Archbishops, Cardinals and the Pope himself though unknowingly beingused to increase the Temporal Power of “the Vicar of Christ” around the globe. Asin the case of these terrified and manipulated North Vietnamese Catholics, they willobey, even if it means their certain and calculated deaths!We wonder how many Am<strong>eric</strong>an Catholics the Jesuit General will kill using hiscoming fascist Am<strong>eric</strong>an military dictator having entered into a Concordat with thePope of Rome. Like Roman Catholic Hitler, the Black Pope’s absolutist Am<strong>eric</strong>andictator will kill millions of Catholics with a two-front war that we will be unable towin thanks to the Panama Canal giveaway and the present downsizing policies ofPresident George W. Bush. That two-front war could possibly be in the Middle Eastagainst Soviet and/or Moslem forces, and possibly in the Pacific Far East against theChinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and Koreans in attempting to defend South Korea,Taiwan, Australia or even Hawaii. We wonder how many Am<strong>eric</strong>an Catholics theBlack Pope will kill when his CFR-controlled Military Intelligence betrays hundredsof thousands of Am<strong>eric</strong>an soldiers into the hands of the enemy — just like PearlHarbor! We wonder how many Roman Catholic women and children the BlackPope will rape, sodomize and murder with our foreign and savage, atheistic andpagan, Soviet, Far-Eastern and Moslem invaders, hating the Am<strong>eric</strong>an “NATO Nazi”and “Great Satan” Empire, while they fanatically proclaim with Masonic-Islamicscimitars unsheathed, dripping with our Am<strong>eric</strong>an blood, “GOD HAS NO SON!”Oh yes, it would be according to Abate Leone’s The Jesuit Conspiracy: The SecretPlan of the Order and to the delight of the Jesuit General, in fulfilling the evilCouncil of Trent, to annihilate nearly the entire North Am<strong>eric</strong>an population,including the “heretic and liberal” Roman Catholic people and priests — just likethose he killed in Europe during World War II!)Additionally Roman Catholic Diem with his persecutions of Buddhists ignitedthe war. We read:“President Ngo Dunh [Dinh] Diem of South Vietnam was a practicingCatholic who ruled South Vietnam with an iron fist. He was a genuinebeliever in the evil of communism and the uniqueness of the CatholicChurch. He had originally been ‘planted’ into the presidency <strong>by</strong>Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII. He transformed the presidencyinto a virtual Catholic dictatorship, ruthlessly crushing his religious andpolitical opponents. Buddhist monks committed suicide <strong>by</strong> fire, burningthemselves alive in protest against his religious persecutions. Hisdiscriminatory persecution of non-Catholics, particularly Buddhists,caused the disruption of the government and mass desertions in thearmy. This eventually led to U.S. military intervention in SouthVietnam.The Jesuits – 1945 - 1975

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