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Chapter 33 427prominent Protestant pulpits . . . Their object is to engender strife, toinfluence party spirit, to produce faction, to counsel rebellion, to plot andplan assassinations.” {28} [Emphasis added]Understanding both the control and plans of the Jesuit Order in Washington isimperative if we are to understand the Kennedy Assassination. For the Jesuitsproduced their Chief Justice Earl Warren to cover-up the assassination with hisWarren Commission as well as defend the Knight of Malta, Clay L. Shaw during histrial in New Orleans, initiated <strong>by</strong> Jim Garrison. The Jesuits used President Johnsonto appoint the Warren Commission and, with the Justice Department, used J. EdgarHoover and his FBI to suppress evidence of a conspiracy. The Jesuits, with theiragents in Congress, such as Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, did all they could to thwart theproceedings of the Assassinations Committee in 1976, which concluded there was aconspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy thanks to Robert Groden, the author ofHigh Treason.The words of our hero, Charles Chiniquy, were now fulfilled. JeremiahCrowley, Am<strong>eric</strong>a’s Martin Luther of the Twentieth Century, proved, withoutrefutation, Rome’s control of both federal and state governments. But the warningswent unheeded. The Protestants, with their Jesuit-infested Federal Council ofChurches, did nothing. The liberty-loving Am<strong>eric</strong>ans – Protestants, Baptists, Jewsand “liberal” Catholics – for the most part had forgotten they were truly in a holy warinitiated <strong>by</strong> those ever-present warlords, the Sons of Loyola. Priest Isaac Hecker wasright. Rome, controlled <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits, took the Am<strong>eric</strong>an government away from theAm<strong>eric</strong>an people in the early 1900s, and have kept it! Since that time the Jesuits haveused the military and financial might of their Fourteenth Amendment “HolyRoman” Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire as “the Sword of the Church,” to subordinate the nationsof the world to the Temporal Power of the cannibalistic Papal Caesar. May Godhelp us to repent that He may forgive us!!!Of the year 1913 we ask in retrospect, “What would the Jesuits do now thatthey were in control of every President from Theodore Roosevelt to WoodrowWilson?” They would further develop their Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire patterned after theirReductions in Paraguay. In preparing for the Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)they would create a national, inquisitional police force and implement two pillars ofThe Communist Manifesto. In 1908, the very year Rome declared the Am<strong>eric</strong>anEmpire no longer to be a missionary country (it was now conquered), they foundedthe FBI. In 1913 they created their privately owned national bank, called “TheFederal Reserve System,” established a “heavy progressive income tax” with theSixteenth Amendment and created the IRS to collect it. Rome would now have apolice state with its corporate monopolies while destroying the White ProtestantMiddle Class. Rome’s seeds of absolutist, Jesuit corporate fascism had beensuccessfully planted.The Jesuits – 1880 - 1913

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