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Chapter 21antipathy. Let us accustom the mob, which is in fact an implement ofpower to look upon us as its warmest advocates: favouring its desires,let us feed the fire of its wrath and open to its view a golden age [theNew World Order].D. Influencing the Great and PowerfulIt is upon the great that we ought particularly to exert our influence. Weought to bring them to believe that in a period as storming as this thereis no safety for them but through us. We must give them to understandthat the cause of evil, the bad leaven, will remain as long asProtestantism shall exist, that Protestantism must therefore be utterlyabolished.E. Using Writers and AuthorsWe ought <strong>by</strong> every possible means to secure the aid of modern thinkers,whatever be the nature of their opinions. If they can be induced at all, towrite in our favour, let us pay them well either in money or laudation[Am<strong>eric</strong>a’s Council on Foreign Relations].F. Ireland Their HopeInitiated fathers [Professed Jesuits], great are the hopes I build on theenergies of OUR IRELAND. I regard her as OUR CHAMPION. Let usonly be careful to anoint her effectually with our oil, so that in wrestlingwith her tyrant she may always slip from his grasp. In how many foldsmay she not entangle the British she-wolf if she will but listen to ourcounsels . . . What may we not make of an idiot, savage and famishingpeople (the Irish)? [Is this what the Jesuits think of their Irish Catholics?]It will prove our Samson and with its irresistible jawbone it will grind todust the myriads of Philistines (the British).And now we learn what is the baptism of fire, which at each confessionI used to pour upon the heads of my penitents in Ireland:‘Poor people’ I say to them, ‘How have theydegraded you . . . look at these great landlords, they revelin wealth, they devour the land, they laugh at you . . . andyet if you knew how to count up your strength you arestronger than they [agitating poor Catholics againstwealthy Protestants justifying socialist-communism].’The Jesuits – 1822 - 1825

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