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Chapter 49“The Jesuits awed Casey. ‘They are brilliant . . . I’m absolutely convincedthat they have the right dope on this world . . . I want to be . . . a ColonelHouse, the guy behind the throne, advising the President of the UnitedStates.’ . . . As his wife was later to observe, ‘Bill got his self-assurancefrom the Jesuits.’ . . . The Jesuits had done their work well . . . He wasarmored in his religion.” {4} [Emphasis added]William J. Casey, 1930 Studentof the Jesuits FordhamUniversity Casey: From the OSSto the CIA“Ba<strong>by</strong> Doc, in his tireless devotion to saving the demonically possessedcannot bear the burden of watching his people die the wretched deathunleashed upon those doomed for hell. We are left with no alternative butto heed the word of God [the Pope] and spare him from annihilation. Forthis reason, we will send in the missionaries (Jesuit Mercenaries) toinoculate the population with a vaccine that will spare only the good ofheart <strong>by</strong> virtue of its design . . . Ba<strong>by</strong> Doc has complied with theVatican’s orders [!!!] to the best of his abilities in his demon-infested land,and must resign his post.” {5} [Emphasis added]William J. Casey, 1985 Knightof Malta and Director, CentralIntelligence Agency“ ‘We the People of the United States,’ and peace-loving citizens aroundthe world, now face a nightmarish danger. Deadly animal viruses are nowmultiplying in our bodies.” {6}Leonard Horowitz, 1997 Am<strong>eric</strong>anPhysician and Author EmergingViruses: AIDS and Ebola“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!How art thou cut down to the ground,which didst weaken the nations!”– Isaiah 14:12The Jesuits – 1900 - 2000

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