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Chapter 18 247“I said so on the authority of Lady Morgan, who, in her work of Italy, in thefourth volume, says that the sacrilegious curiosity of the French at the timewhen they occupied Rome, in the beginning of this century, overcame allobstacles, in order to see so famous a seat. They took off its coppercovering, and drew out the seat, and examining it diligently, found thereengraved in Arabic characters these words: – ‘There is one God, andMahomet is His prophet.’ . . . The Pope, then, knowing that amongst therelics there was a seat, brought as a relic from the Crusades, ordered this tobe taken and brought for veneration . . . ” {7} [Emphasis added]Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon Bonaparte drove the BourbonKing of Spain, Charles IV, into exile? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleonexiled the Braganza monarchs, Queen Maria Francisca I (1777-1816) and her sonJohn (later King John VI, 1816-1826) of Portugal to Brazil? Did not the Jesuitsbenefit when Napoleon drove the Knights of Malta from the island of Malta,confiscating all their treasures and weapons? (Remember, the Knights had previouslyexpelled the Jesuits from Malta.) Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleonconquered the Protestant Dutch Republic, founded <strong>by</strong> one of our heroes, William I ofOrange? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon conquered Italy, and vanquishedAustria as both nations had expelled the Jesuit Order? Did not the Jesuits benefitwhen Napoleon conquered Protestant Switzerland? Would not the Jesuits havebenefited if the French General Hocke had succeeded in breaking away CatholicIreland from Protestant England (later accomplished after World War I)? Would notthe Jesuits have benefited had Napoleon conquered Jerusalem, he having called forthe establishment of “Jerusalem for the Jews” on April 14, 1799? Did not the Jesuitsbenefit when Napoleon broke up the Pope’s Holy Roman Empire? Why did nearlyevery strategy of Napoleon result in benefiting the Jesuit Order? The answer is in theperson of Abbe Sieyes. According to Ridpath’s Universal History this priest was aprime mover of the French Revolution, the Directory, and was the Second Consul onNapoleon’s Consulate (Pierre-Roger Ducos being the third), calling for the end ofthe nobility and clergy — the enemies of the Society of Jesus! It is also mostfascinating to see that Sieyes, the man whose coup d’etat brought Napoleon to power,was Jesuit-trained. We read:“Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph (1748-1836), one of the chief political thinkersand writers of the period of the French Revolution and the first empire . . .He was destined for the Church, was educated <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits, became alicentiate of the Canon law [including the oppressive and evil Council ofTrent] . . . ” {8} [Emphasis added]Thus Napoleon, the Roman Catholic Freemason called “Robespierre on horseback”<strong>by</strong> Madame de Stael, whose right-hand man was both a Jesuit-trained and controlledadvisor, Abbe Sieyes, was brought to power from the Jesuit stronghold of Corsica.The Jesuits – 1789 - 1815

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