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Chapter 19 253The connection between the Knights of Malta, the Pope and the JesuitGeneral, with his army of Jesuits, is a key in understanding the flow of history since1814. For the Pope’s restoration of the Society of Jesus was the capstone of SatanicPower through which the Devil would control all of his secret societies during theNineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Never in the history of the world had evil menbeen so successfully united in purposing to destroy all religious and political liberty.The intended result was to have the Papal Caesar ruling the world from Solomon’srebuilt Temple in Jerusalem as the Theocratic Universal Monarch of the World.But before we begin our next chapter, please, dear truth-seeker, read thefollowing brief history of the Knights of Malta, received from the secretary at theiroffice in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York. Note that on the last page, the Order hasestablished formal diplomatic relations with Cuba, presently oppressed <strong>by</strong> thatJesuit-trained, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, bastard son of a Nazi and fascist militarydictator – that Communist Roman Catholic son of the Church – Fidel Castro.As we shall later see, the Knights of Malta, in control of the CIA and thePentagon, put Castro in power, as Castro is a puppet of the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope.And being one of the Pope’s “altar boys” enforcing the Temporal Power of “theVicar of Christ,” he forbids the free circulation of the Protestant Bible, has caused amass Jewish exodus to Israel and Miami <strong>by</strong> the thousands, while cruelly suppressingany movement towards liberal, popular government pursuant to the Council of Trent.Notice also that the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Branch of the Knights of Malta was establishedin 1927. This was one year before the Company created Opus Dei (anotherinternational Brotherhood dedicated to the restoration of the Pope’s Temporal Powerand the Dark Ages) in Spain and two years before the Knights caused the GreatDepression, which in effect made the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank the financialmonopoly of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire created in 1868. This was five years before theyattempted to make FDR a fascist dictator who, as President, formally recognizedJesuit-trained Joseph Stalin’s bloody government. This enabled the Am<strong>eric</strong>anKnights, in control of the Empire’s Military Industrial Complex, to aid the RussianKnights in building the Military Industrial Complex of the Jesuits’ Soviet Empire.Then one day in 1962 three puppets of the Jesuits (Kennedy, Khrushchev andCastro), overseen <strong>by</strong> the intelligence agencies of the Knights of Malta (the CIA andKGB), created the hoax called “the Cuban Missile Crisis.” That deceit was based onanother hoax called “the Cold War” which in turn was based on yet another hoaxcalled “Nuclear War.” The fear created <strong>by</strong> the Am<strong>eric</strong>an press, controlled <strong>by</strong>Cardinal Spellman through his Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce (whose nickname asone of Yale’s Skull and Bones members was appropriately “Baal”), resulted in asecret agreement between “the superpowers.” That agreement, prohibiting anAm<strong>eric</strong>an invasion of Cuba, secured the island as a landing base for a future foreigninvasion of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Protestant South — pursuant to the evil Council of Trent.The Jesuits – 1801 - 1814

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