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PAUSE II 217“And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kingsshall minister unto thee [Israel]: for in my wrath I smote thee [Israel],but in my favour have I had mercy on thee [Israel] . . .For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee [Israel] shallperish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.”– Isaiah 60:10, 12Dear truth-seeker, since you now understand our First Block of Jesuit history,you are now able to understand our Second Block of Jesuit history. It begins with theOrder’s formal suppression <strong>by</strong> Pope Clement XIV in 1773 and ends with its formalreestablishment <strong>by</strong> Pope Pius VII in 1814 — a total of forty-one years.These forty-one years were absolutely golden for the Society of Jesus. For theSons of Loyola punished all their enemies including the Dominican priests, perfectedthe inner workings between themselves and Freemasonry, created an alliancebetween the House of Rothschild in establishing the Illuminati, punished and thenabsorbed the Knights of Malta just like the “Borg” of Star Trek. They used theOrthodox Catherine II “the Great” of Russia and the Lutheran Fred<strong>eric</strong>k II “theGreat” of Prussia to conquer and divide Poland, rendering the Pope’s Bull ofSuppression and Extinction of no effect in that Roman Catholic land. The Ordercaused the French Revolution, beheading a Bourbon Catholic King, Louis XVI, anda Hapsburg Catholic Queen, Marie Antoinette, in retaliation for being expelledfrom France and Austria. With Napoleon the Freemason they drove the Bourbonsfrom their throne in Spain and the Braganzas from their throne in Portugal. Theyeven attempted to take Palestine and thus Jerusalem from the Moslems, as did thePope’s Crusaders, led <strong>by</strong> the evil Knights Templars of the Dark Ages.The Company’s most important victories were both religious and political.The Jesuits deeply penetrated the Russian Orthodox Church and Germany’s LutheranChurch, along with its Tubingen University, attributing their Jew-hating propagandato the works of Martin Luther! Politically, they took control of the Crown and Bankof England. For this reason England, with Shriner Freemason Viscount Palmerston,would never go to war with France again, it would conduct the Pope’s Opium Warsagainst the people of China (just like the Company, with its CIA and MafiaCommission, is presently conducting a massive Drug Trade against the “heretic andliberal” people of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire) governed <strong>by</strong> the Order’s enemy – theManchu Dynasty – and would refuse to help the Italian patriots in their warring withthe armies of the Pope during the Italian Revolution of 1848. The Jesuits alsocaptured the Vatican Empire, along with its landed Church properties the world over,and for this reason the Papal Caesar, occupying Satan’s sacred Office of the Papacy,would never suppress the Society of Jesus, ever again!The Jesuits – 1773 - 1814

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