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564 Vatican AssassinsChapter 40The Jesuits – 1959 - 1962The Jesuit General’s International Intelligence CommunityFidel Castro:Jesuit-trained Freemason, Communist-Fascist Military Dictator Loyal toRome and the Knights of Malta Jesuit Betrayal of:Knight of Columbus President John F. KennedyRoman Catholic Cuban Patriots Low-level CIA AgentsviaMcGeorge Bundy and Cardinal Spellman’sCouncil on Foreign Relations“If I break wind in Munich, the Pope will surely smell it in Rome.” {1}Martin Luther, 1545Protestant Reformer“ . . . the Jesuits made use of Confession in order to gain information asto the capacity, disposition, and mode of life of the penitents, and thechief affairs of the towns in which they live; and that they have such anexact acquaintance with all these details that they know the strength,means, and circumstances of every state and every family.” {2}M. De Canaye, 1606French Ambassador at Veniceto Henry IV, King of France“No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without theknowledge of the Vatican’s part in it. And no significant world situationexists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit orimplicit role.” {3} Avro Manhattan, 1960“Protestant” Knight of MaltaEnglish Historian The Vaticanand World PoliticsThe Jesuits – 1959 - 1962

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