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Vatican AssassinsChapter 23The JesuitsEugene Sue and his Masterpiece: “The Wandering Jew”“Imagine an association whose members having destroyed all ties offamily and of country, to be singled out from among men, and whoseforces are to be concentrated at last to one united and formidable end, itsplan devised and it establishes its dominion <strong>by</strong> all possible means overall the nations of the earth.Imagine this immense conspiration…of a force hidden and silent.SUCH ARE THE JESUITS. Always expelled, forever returning, andlittle <strong>by</strong> little clandestinely and in the darkness throwing out its vigorousroots. Its wealth may be confiscated, its losses cannot be detained forthey are covered…At times mixing in politics, agitating states andmaking princes to tremble upon their thrones, for they are terrible intheir hate. WOE UNTO HIM WHEN THEY TURN UPON HIM ASHIS ENEMY! By very especial grace from heaven, any who may raiseobstacles against them, although they may be found at the summit of themost lofty grandeur, yet will they be stricken down as with a thunderbolt.The formidable ‘Company of Jesus’ is a society of dead men!Established and directed with the proposition of universal domination,this Society presents in the means of its organization such power ofinvasion that we cannot think of it without being oppressed <strong>by</strong> a speciesof fear . . .For themselves, they are nothing, not having pompous titles, nosumptuous ornaments, no crosiers, no mitres, no capes of theprebendiaries, but pertain to that one Order everywhere governing anddirecting. Of command, others have the appearance; but these possessthe reality. In whatever place of the Catholic world a Jesuit is insultedor resisted, no matter how insignificant he may be, he is sure to beavenged — AND THIS WE KNOW.” {1} [Emphasis added]M. Charles Sauvestre, 1863French Historian and WriterThe Company of JesusThe Jesuits – 1844

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