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Chapter 42particularly in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte, conducted war. Bonaparte alsopunished the Knights of Malta, driving them from their island home to Russia.Shortly before Napoleon’s deliberate loss of the Battle of Waterloo, the JesuitOrder was revived and emerged supreme among secret societies. It controlled thePapacy, the Knights of Malta, Islamic Shriner Freemasonry, Opus Dei and later, inFourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a, the Knights of Columbus and the Mafia.It is this Network that controls every nation more or less, restoring andmaintaining the Pope’s Temporal Power worldwide. In the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire itcontrols Wall Street, the major corporate monopolies, the Federal Reserve Bank,the Council on Foreign Relations – it commanding the President and everydepartment subject to him – and thus, the country’s Military Industrial Complex.The Network or “Fraternity,” also called “the Octopus,” controls all shipping portsand overland trucking with the Mafia’s Longshoremen and Teamsters. In control oforganized crime, including white slavery and the drug trade, it makes billions annually,the CIA and Mafia working together. The Jesuits, being the great agitators of States,control the Press, the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the anti-communist JohnBirch Society, and the Black Muslims composing the pro-communist Nation of Islam— all through the Egyptian Mystery Religion of Isis and Osiris culminating inhigh-level, occult Freemasonry composed of ninety degrees according to a formereighty-eighth degree Freemason, Michael J. McArthur.With Francis Cardinal Spellman in command of this economic, political andreligious colossus we no longer wonder why he was called “the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Pope.”Cardinal Spellman became the most powerful churchman in the history of the nation,as none had ever been his equal. Through his travels during World War II asPresident Roosevelt’s personal agent abroad, he established worldwide connectionswith those men who ran the International Intelligence Community. What CardinalRichelieu was to France during the First Thirty Years’ War, Cardinal Spellman wasto the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire during the Second Thirty Years’ War.As the Military Vicar and protector of all the Military Orders in FourteenthAmendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a, his power reached through every Knight of Malta and Knightof Columbus under his Command. In 1963 some of those Knights of Malta were:1. J. Peter Grace – Head of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an “tongue” of SMOM, withinternational business interlocks everywhere through W. R. Grace & Co.;2. Henry R. Luce – Controller of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Press, called “Lucepress,”from Rockefeller Center in New York;3. Myron C. Taylor – FDR’s personal ambassador to the Vatican duringWorld War II who aided Allied leaders in preventing a Jewish exodus fromEurope;The Jesuits – 1963

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