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Chapter 46DeLoach reported that Ford agreed to continue to betray his colleagueson the Commission. Ford said, DeLoach reported, “I should call himany time his assistance was needed.” [Recently, Gerald Ford hasadmitted to his misconduct while on the Warren Commission.] {11}In 1968 when Jim Garrison sought to question Allen Dulles concerningKnight of Malta and kingpin of Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions), ClayL. Shaw, the Justice Department refused to serve the subpoena. The Empire’s HolyOffice of the Inquisition was simply being loyal to the Pope’s Papal Knights, whoare always above the law.The “reigning King of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire,” then Archbishop Cooke, wascontinuing the cover-up <strong>by</strong> stifling the investigation in fulfilling his Oath as aCardinal, whose first loyalty was to the “infallible” Pope of Rome. A portion of thatoath reads:“I, Terence Cooke, of the Holy Roman Church, Cardinal of New York,promise and swear . . . to be faithful and obedient to . . .our Most HolyLord Paul VI, and his canonically elected successor . . .To try in every way to assert, uphold, preserve, increase and promote therights, even temporal, especially those of the civil principality, theliberty, the honor, the privileges and authority of the Holy RomanChurch of our lord the Pope, and the aforesaid successors;When it shall come to my knowledge that some machination, prejudicialto those rights, which I can not prevent, is taking place, immediately tomake it known to the Pope . . .To combat with every effort heretics, schismatics, and those rebellingagainst our lord the Pope and his successors . . .So help me God and these holy gospels.” {12} [Emphasis added]William F. Buckley, Jr., another Knight of Malta, CFR member and CIAoperative along with his brother James Buckley, continually maintained in hisperiodical, National Review, that Oswald was a lone assassin. He too, as the faithfulservant of Cardinal Spellman, promoted the Great Jesuit Cover-up.Shriner Freemason J. Edgar Hoover, with his FBI, also suppressed evidencemisleading the Warren Commission chaired <strong>by</strong> another Shriner Freemason, ChiefJustice Earl Warren. Of his general power and role in the assassination we read:The Jesuits – 1964 - 2000

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