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Chapter 8 147Remembering the purpose of the Jesuit Order, it set out to conquer the FarEast, particularly Japan, and upon that victory, the Chinese Empire. First came thepriests, and then came the foreign soldiers. In attempting to capture Japan withFrancis Xavier arriving in 1549, the Jesuits converted many of the Japanese lordscalled “daimyo.” The Jesuits then incited them to destroy hundreds of Buddhisttemples and slaughter the priests. But it came to pass that the risen Son of God wouldsend a Protestant sea captain to the court of the Emperor’s shogun. Having savedWilliam Adams from being crucified <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits, the shogun Iyeyasu held manyinterviews with the mariner. There he learned of the Order’s bloody history includingthe extermination of the West Indian races and of the Inquisition in Spain. As a result,the Englishman rose to extraordinary favor and was created a Samurai.The shogun then purposed to resist the Pope’s political agenda of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy guided <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits and their evil Council of Trent. We read:“From the beginning of his reign Iyeyasu had been organizing andunifying his empire and establishing his power to cope with the foreignconspirators. In 1606 he issued an edict forbidding further mission workand proclaiming that those who had adopted Christianity must abandon it.By Christianity he meant what Voltaire meant <strong>by</strong> “the Infamous,” theintriguing system of Rome which aimed at the overthrow of the nativegovernment and the sectarian domination of the country.” {3}With this understanding, <strong>by</strong> 1639 the Tokugawa shoguns, Iyeyasu(1603-1616), Hidetada (1616-1623) and Iyemitsu (1623-1651), successfullyexpelled the Jesuits with their minions, the Spanish and the Portuguese, allowing onlythe Protestant Dutch to trade with the Empire until 1854! With the Order first expelledin 1587 and again in 1597 <strong>by</strong> Daimyo Hideyoshi (for which he paid with his life in1598), in 1614 Iyeyasu issued an edict in the name of his son, Hidetada, finallyexpelling the Company and outlawing both Protestant and Catholic “Christianity.” In1622 many Jesuits were justly put to death (“martyred”) for high treason, and in 1624the Roman Catholic Spanish were banished <strong>by</strong> one of Iyemitsu’s edicts. And why?“The Christians [Jesuits], so the decree alleged, were striving ‘to spreadabroad a pernicious code, to exterminate the true religion [Buddhism], tooverthrow the government, and to make themselves masters of the wholeempire.’ ” {4} [Emphasis added]And to what end?“These [Jesuits] had for their object nothing less than the conquest ofChina, and the Jesuit fathers cherished the hope of gaining before longentry into Peking in the train of the Japanese ruler.” {5} [Emphasis added]The Jesuits – 1614 - 1945

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