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Chapter 373. The Jesuits with their Knights of Malta on Wall Street, along with theFederal Reserve Bank, financed Adolf Hitler bringing him to power. We read:“Joseph J. Larkin resembled [Senator Nelson] Aldrich in hisimmaculate tailoring, perfect manners, austere deportment, and in hisdedication to The Fraternity. A distinguished member of a RomanCatholic family, he had received the Order of the Grand Cross of theKnights of Malta from Pope Pius XI in 1928. He was an ardentsupporter of General Franco and, <strong>by</strong> natural extension, Hitler.” {34}[Emphasis added]Again we read of the Knights of Malta financing Adolf Hitler:“On May 3, 1941, J. Edgar Hoover sent a memorandum to Roosevelt’ssecretary, Major General Watson which read as follows:‘Information has been received at this Bureau from a source that issocially prominent and known to be in touch with some of the peopleinvolved, but for whom we cannot vouch, to the effect that [Knight ofMalta] Joseph P. Kennedy, the former Ambassador to England, andBen Smith, the Wall Street operator [two of the short sellers havingcaused the Depression] some time in the past had a meeting withGoering in Vichy, France and that thereafter Kennedy and Smith haddonated a considerable amount of money to the German cause.’ ” {35}Of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank financing Adolf Hitler we read:“Immense sums belonging to our national-bank depositors have beengiven to Germany on no collateral security whatever . . . Billions uponbillions of our money has been pumped into Germany <strong>by</strong> the FederalReserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks . . . On April 27, 1932,the Federal Reserve outfit sent $750,000, belonging to Am<strong>eric</strong>an bankdepositors, in gold to Germany. A week later, another $300,000 in goldwas shipped to Germany in the same way. About the middle of May$12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany <strong>by</strong> the Federal Reservebanks. Almost every week there is a shipment of gold [stolen from FortKnox, Kentucky] to Germany.” {36} [Emphasis added]4. The Jesuits, using Knight of Malta Franz von Papen, brought Hitler topower in Catholic Bavaria’s Third Reich. Edmond Paris tells us:“Franz von Papen thought of dictatorship. In order the better toprepare for it and to complete the break-up of the [Weimar] Republic,he forcibly suppressed the democratic [Protestant] government ofThe Jesuits – 1914 - 1945

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