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Chapter 14 201“ . . . the Jesuit Order at last reached the pinnacle of its power andprestige in the early eighteenth century. It had become more influentialand more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held aposition in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever heldbefore or since . . . ‘nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe hadonly Jesuits as directors of their consciences, so that the whole ofEurope appeared to be governed <strong>by</strong> Jesuits only.’ ” {4}E. Boyd Barrett, 1927Irish Ex-Jesuit QuotingJesuit Cordara The JesuitEnigma“Alas! I knew they would poison me; but I did not expect to die in soslow and cruel a manner.” {5}Pope Clement XIV, 1774 Abolishedthe Society of Jesus with a PapalBull titled: Dominus ac Redemptor,1773By 1750, the Society of Jesus was composed of the most powerful group ofmen in the world. They were the confessors of nearly every king in Europe includingthe Pope. The Jesuit General knew the affairs of every nation and his soldiers weremaking millions of dollars for the Order. The Reductions produced herbs, hides,tallow, clocks and other goods, which the Jesuits traded in Europe with their hugefleet of ships. The profits were used to finance wars against the Protestant nationsthey had sworn to destroy. But all this wealth and power was acquired in secret, as thekings of Portugal and Spain knew nothing about the Reductions.Therefore, upon the discovery of the Reductions, the most powerful RomanCatholic kings of Europe expelled the Jesuits from their dominions. First was KingJoseph I of Portugal in 1759 with the help of his great Prime Minister SebastianCavalho, Marquis of Pombal. The king’s banishment of the Jesuits reads:“ . . . in order to protect my royal honour, which is equally the life andsoul of the whole monarchy; in order to maintain uninjured myindependence as sovereign and ruler; in order to remove from the midstof my dominions such extraordinary and great vexation, and to shieldmy subjects from similar frightful occurrences with their sad results, IThe Jesuits – 1750 - 1773

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