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Chapter 33repudiated <strong>by</strong> every free country, Catholic and Protestant, in the OldWorld: They have come to our borders; they are among us today, and tostay; and they understand that they are to secure the control of thiscontinent, <strong>by</strong> destroying the public school system of Am<strong>eric</strong>a.’ ” {3}[Emphasis added]Justin D. Fulton, 1888 Am<strong>eric</strong>anTheologian and Historian HonorableU.S. Senator Henry W. Blair Senatorialspeech, February 15, 1888 WashingtonIn the Lap of Rome“Yes! San Francisco the rich, the great queen of the Pacific, is in thehands of the Jesuits! From the very first days of the discovery of the goldmines of California, the Jesuits had the hopes of becoming masters ofthose inexhaustible treasures, and they secretly laid their plans, with themost profound ability and success. They saw, at once, that the greatmajority of the lucky miners, of every creed and nation, were going homeas soon as they had enough to secure an honourable competence to theirfamilies . . . The Jesuits saw at a glance that if they could persuade theIrish Catholics [George Hearst, father of the baptized Roman Catholicand media mogul William Randolph Hearst] to settle and remain there,they would soon be the masters and rulers of that golden city whosefuture is so bright and so great! And that scheme, worked day and night,with the utmost perseverance, has been crowned with perfect success (the“Irish Big Four,” known as the “Silver Kings of the Comstock Lode,”being William S. O’Brien, James G. Fair, John W. Mackay and James C.Flood who willed his gorgeous mansion in Menlo Park, California to theJesuits’ Order of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) . . . Its richest bank (NevadaBank) is in their hands, and so are all the street railways . . . Theircompact unity, in the hands of the Jesuits (who swim in a golden sea),with their enormous wealth, make them almost supreme masters of themines of California and Nevada.” {4}Charles Chiniquy, 1886French-Canadian Ex-Priest FiftyYears in the Church of Rome“From 1928 through the middle 1930s, [William Randolph] Hearst [theEpiscopalian Jesuit coadjutor who championed the Order’s causes ofsocialism, fascism, Irish Catholic home rule, the Federal Reserve SystemThe Jesuits – 1880 - 1913

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