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650 Vatican AssassinsDear truth-seeker, could it be that Saddam Hussein, the resultant Moslem militarydictator of Iraq for over twenty years, who used chemical weapons not only on Iranbut on his own Iraqi people, was put in power <strong>by</strong> the Jesuit Order? Is it not extremelytelling that Saddam Hussein was never eliminated <strong>by</strong> an easily ordered “SpecialOperation” of the Jesuits’ Am<strong>eric</strong>an Military Intelligence during the Gulf War, as hehad been a brother Shriner Freemason and business partner with the Order’s CFRmember, Mafia associate and former CIA Director, President George H. W. Bush?(See Pete Brewton’s The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, published in 1992.) Clearly,the Black Pope’s wars upon Iraq for the last twenty years have been waged againstthe Moslem people of Iraq, not the Jesuit-controlled government of Iraq!Meanwhile, we Am<strong>eric</strong>an people have been brainwashed into thinking of andpursuing games and amusements, while our intelligence communities are pursuing“fun and games” with false enemies, intrigues and assassinations, in restoring andmaintaining the Temporal Power of the Pope around the world. The revivedGreco-Roman Olympic games fulfill a major goal of the Jesuit Order: the bringing ofthe world’s people together glorifying the physical abilities of Man. One day it will bean international union around one Satanic Man — the “risen” Papal Caesar!The Am<strong>eric</strong>an people are not only addicted to the Olympic games but they areconsumed with the vanities of professional sports. This is precisely what the Jesuitssaid they would do in their blueprint for world government, The Protocols of theLearned Elders of Zion. Protocol number 13 declares:“In order that the masses themselves may not guess what [our fruitlessagitations] are about we further distract them with amusements, games,pastimes, passions, people’s palaces . . . Soon we shall begin throughthe press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: theseinterests will finally distract their minds . . .” {14}Dear truth-seeker, it is a matter of fact that these games and amusements arenot controlled <strong>by</strong> a Jewish conspiracy, as the authors of The Protocols of the LearnedElders of Zion would have us believe, but <strong>by</strong> a Gentile conspiracy. How do we knowthis? Jesus the Messiah declared to his Hebrew/Jewish disciples:“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies,then know that the desolation thereof is nigh . . .And they shall fall <strong>by</strong> the edge of the sword,and shall be led away captive into all nations:and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles,until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”– Luke 21:20, 24The Jesuits – 1964 - 2000

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