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Chapter 32 405advancement of the German Army during “Operation Barbarossa.” This enabled theJesuits’ Order of the Death’s Head – the SS – to round up hundreds of thousands ofRussian Jews, only to be gassed and then buried in mass graves, like Babi Yar inKiev. This not only pleased Hitler but Stalin as well; for “Koba” fiercely hated allJews. (Is it not poetic justice that Stalin’s daughter would marry a Jew?) And amongthe SS, which according to Walter Schellenberg (head of the SD of the SS)“ . . . had been organized <strong>by</strong> Himmler [whose father, Professor GebhartHimmler, was a Jesuit coadjutor who tutored Bavaria’s Prince HeinrichWittelsbach] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order . . . ,” {23}were the Jesuit “missionaries” from the Russian College in Rome“ . . . with the special object of organizing Catholic missions among theRussian Orthodox population of the Soviet Union.” {24}After the war, the Jesuits’ Russian NKVD “head hunters” became the KGB.The Jesuits’ Am<strong>eric</strong>an OSS became the CIA. The Jesuits’ German SS and NaziIntelligence were merged into them both. Working together at the top, as they hadduring their Crusade in Europe (as Eisenhower titled his book), both agencies werecontrolled <strong>by</strong> the Knights of Malta destroying popular governments (liberalism)around the world while erecting dictators (absolutists) loyal to Rome. The Jesuits,with their unified international intelligence agencies, were restoring the Pope’sTemporal Power as “Master of the World” via revolution and assassination.This is why we should not be surprised to see the high command of the KGBand CIA working together. For during World War II it was the Jesuit General’s headof the OSS, Knight of Malta “Wild” Bill Donovan, working with the Am<strong>eric</strong>anEmpire’s Ambassador to the Papal Caesar in the Vatican, Knight of Malta Myron C.Taylor (whose “diplomacy prevented Europe’s Jews from escaping Himmler’s SS),who initiated the formal relationship. Anthony Cave Brown, the world’s foremostauthority on Intelligence Operations, tells us in his great work, “C”:“Donovan had flown to Moscow at Christmas 1943 to meet with General P.N. Fitin, head of the Soviet external military intelligence service, andGeneral A. P. Ossipov, who was responsible for Soviet guerrilla, sabotage,and subversion operations in German-occupied territory. At that meeting,Donovan . . . proposed a full alliance between the OSS and the NKVD (theSoviet secret service), in which they would establish missions in eachother’s capitals [which they secretly have established today]. This exchangeof missions did not take place . . . Yet until long after FDR reluctantlydirected that the exchange not take place “for the time being,” Donovansent the NKVD large quantities of U.S. intelligence aboutThe Jesuits – 1882 - 1917

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