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Chapter 5 131“The Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill heretics because itis <strong>by</strong> fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated . . . for the highestgood of the Church is the unity of the faith, and this cannot bepreserved unless heretics are put to death.” {4}Marianus de Luce, 1901 JesuitProfessor of Canon LawGregorian University of RomeInstitutes of PublicEcclesiastical LawCommended <strong>by</strong> Pope Leo XIIIIn 1603, Queen Elizabeth died having banished the Jesuits from her kingdom“forever.” James I became king; he too banished the Jesuits and commanded ahangman to publicly burn the evil doctrines of the Jesuit Francisco Suarez —Defensio Fidei Catholicae found in his Opera Omnia! So England posed a problemfor the Jesuit General. The king was a Protestant (“a confirmed heretic” in the wordsof Spain’s King Philip III), the House of Commons was full of Protestants and thepeople no longer gave heed to the Pope’s decrees. Therefore the Jesuits determined to“ . . . annihilate the king, with his whole family, together with theentire heads of Protestantism in England in one blow.” {5}How? By blowing up the King and the assembled Parliament with thirty-six barrels ofgunpowder. The plot nearly succeeded but a letter alerted the king to the plan. Whenthe sheriff entered the large cellar beneath the Parliament he discovered theconspirator, Guy Fawkes, a soldier in the service of King Philip III of Spain, with“ . . . a piece of tinder, three matches, a dagger and a pistol . . . bootedand spurred, like a man who was prepared to take a journey onhorseback.” {6}Indeed he was. Violently resisting arrest, Fawkes was tried and executed having beenthe fanatical tool of England’s Jesuit Provincial, Henry Garnett. Convicted of hightreason having obeyed the Jesuit Oath, Garnett was also publicly executed in 1606.To this day, every November 5 th the English Protestants, especially those inLewes and Sussex who burn the effigy of the Pope annually, celebrate “Guy FawkesDay” while the Jesuit Provincial at Stonyhurst controls the Archbishop ofWestminster who in turn rules the country through the Royal Institute forInternational Affairs (RIIA), the British version of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Council onForeign Relations (CFR) likewise controlled <strong>by</strong> the Archbishop of New York. TheEmpires of both Britain and Am<strong>eric</strong>a are in the hands of Satan’s Society of Jesus!The Jesuits – 1605

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